Don't Close Your Eyes (Bakugou x Dying Hero Reader)

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This was supposed to be a simple armed robbery. Bakugou and I were sent to a store that had been robbed. Pretty normal and not unusual. Well this was what I thought when we were first arrived, I didn't expect the villain to be so fucking strong.

"Ground Zero, we need backup, this villain is to strong for us to handle." I yell over the explosion while cradling my injured arm.

"Like hell I'm calling for backup on a simple mission like this. I'll be a laughing stock" he yells back. That bastard. Always thinking about your pride more than your actual common sense.

"Bakugou this is serious. We need backup, this isnt going to go well with just the two of us. We're both injured and need help to-"

"I am NOT asking for help, especially when Deku will probably be the one to come and get all the credit. I'll defeat this guy myself" he screams, going for an attack. Idiot.

He races forward only to get knocked back down again. Dumbass, really you tried that move 6 times already and they didn't work the first 6 times either.

The villain races towards him. Quickly I race front of Bakugou to defend him while he recovers only to get blasted back into a car.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Bakugou scream as I stumble while getting up.

"I'm alright" I wince. Great, I'm pretty sure that bastard just broke my ribs.

"If your going to attack anyone it's me you overgrown sack of shit" Bakugou yells at the villain. Which in turn only made the villain more angry. Great job Bakugou, Great job.

"Making him angry isn't going to make the situation any better, we need backu-"

"IF YOU SAY BACKUP ONCE MORE (Y/N) I SWEAR I'LL BLAST YOU INTO NEXT YEAR" Bakugou screams. That cocky prick. He's gonna gets us killed.

Without Bakugou realising, I secretly contacted for backup. I dont care how much he hated me afterwards for it. I wasn't going to risk anyone's life for the sake of a win of a battle.

I look back up to bakugou to see that he blasted the villain, but while landing slipped on a piece of rubble on the ground. Leaving him open to the attack of the villain who had quickly recovered from the attack.

The villain took the opportunity and prepared his quirk to strike Bakugou. No. That strike would kill him. Without thinking about my actions I
race in front of my lover and partner to shield him from the attack.

I step in front of him, and his eyes go wide at the sigh of me shielding him. Everything slows down

"(Y/N) no" he whispers.

"I love you" I whisper back


The force of the villains attack sent me flying into a building. Debris from the building falls on top of me and everything goes black.


"(Y/N), (Y/N) wake up please. . .

"(Y/N)!" A family voice called out.

Weakly I open my eyes to see the blonde hair of my love kneeling over me.


"Don't talk, save your strength, the paramedics are on their way so just hang on DAMN IT" he shouts.

"What about the villain" I ask, feeling the life slow drain from me.

"He's down so don't worry about that right now, just worry about staying alive." I look behind him to see heavy scorch marks on the streets and the villain burned. He must have gone on a rampage after seeing me down. I try to move but all I felt was pain.

"Try not to move alright, I still have to get you out of some rubble " Bakugou says as he shifts a big piece off my body. The pain was intense to the point where I nearly passed out. My eyes started to close but a hand tapped me awake.

"Hey, hey stay awake damn it, don't you dare close your eyes (Y/N)."

"Katsuki I just wanted to say that-"

"Don't you fucking talk like that. Your going to live, you hear me." He yelled, tear building in his eyes. But we both knew the truth as he held the gaping wound in my stomach. Caused by the falling debris. I was bleeding out.

My eye felt heavy.

"I love you Katsuki, so much, thanks for everything" I say as my eyes drifted shut.

"No no no you keep those fucking beautiful eyes open (Y/N). Don't you dare die on me."







Bakugou's POV

She was gone and it was all my fault. By love. The person who stood beside all my crap. Gone in the blink of an eye, and all because I has been to cocky to get help.

Sirens invade my ears and yelling of other heroes sounded but it was to late, (Y/N) was gone. I growl before punching the ground next to me.


"Why did you have to die, I should have been the one to die. It was my stupid fault why were you the one to pay the price." Tears fell freely and I didn't care.

I lost the one thing that made this world good.

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