Why Now (Aizawa x Pregnant Reader)

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I woke up again to the sun in my face and an empty bed. Another restless night with back pain keeping me up. I sigh before lifting myself out of bed and making my way down the stairs of our shared house. Shota most of the time has already left for work by the time I get up.

I enter the kitchen and chuckle to myself, realising that my husband has yet again forgotten to take his lunch with him today. I rub my hand gently over my massive stomach that hold a precious life inside.

"Your father can me hopeless sometimes. We better drop it off to him so that he doesn't come home cranky again." I say as the baby kicks in response. I then start doing my morning routine. Once I was ready I grab Shota's lunch and make my way to UA high.

Once I arrived I made my way straight to Shota's classroom as that's probably where he was. I give the receptionist a small smile and hello as I waddled up the stairs. Most of the staff knew about me so they had nothing to suspect when I came through the gates.

I had gotten to the hallway where 1A's classroom was when I ran into an old friend.

"Midnight, it's good to see you, how have you been" I ask, embrace the women.

"I've been doing fine myself, but what are you doing here, you should be at home resting you look like your gonna pop any moment. No wonder why Aizawa's been so on edge lately" she exclaims placing her hands on my stomach.

"I came to bring Shota his lunch. He forgot it again." I say holding up the bag.

"Yeah he wasnt to happy this morning when he realized" she replied. Our conversation ended quick after with both of us having places to go. I continue down the Hall, a hand resting on my stomach as I come across 1A's classroom. Inside I could hear the monotonal voice of my husband teaching his students. I knock on the door and it goes silent for a few minutes before the door was opened by a tall boy with blue hair and glasses.

"Hello, how may I help you" he says politely.

"I was looking for your teacher if you don't mind" I say as he opens the door wider to reveal my husband looking as exhausted as usual standing in front of the podium. His eyes widen slightly at the sight of me at the door.

"Sorry to bother you but you forgot your lunch again" I say, taking a step towards him holding out his lunch. He just sighs before walking towards me.

"Thank you for bringing it, but you didn't have to come all this way to give me lunch, you need to rest" he says taking the bag off me gently. We look at each other for a few seconds before a voice speaks up.

"Um, Mr Aizawa. How do you know this women." A girl up the back with brown hair says. Children are so innocent sometimes, it was kinda obvious after all.

"She's my wife" he says unimpressed that he had to say it sooner than intended. The whole class cried out in shock as the attention was now directed at me. Looking like they were going to burst with questions. I nodded to Shota, telling him that I was fine with questions.

"You may ask questions, but they are not to leave this classroom and they are to be appropriate." He says glaring at the small student with purple hair. Hands instantly shot up around the room.

"When did you first meet" the pink girl ask.

"We were in the same class in high school and I guess we've just been together ever since then."

"What's your quirk" the green hair boy ask.

"My quirk is elasticity. I can move and extend my body like a rubber band"

"When is your baby due" the brown haired girl asks

"They're due in about a week or so, so I'll be stealing your teacher for while after they're born"

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