We're Here (Class 1A x Kidnapped Reader)

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This is a request from ihavenolife12345678. Thank you for being so patient with me. Its very long sorry.

"I can't believe Mr Aizawa actually let us go get these." You say to Asui and Uraraka while holding a bag full popcorn and sweets for the class movie night.

"I find it pretty easy to believe. Mr Aizawa usually allows us to go places providing its with other people" Sui said.

You sigh, she was right. Even though you needed a permission form to leave school Mr Aizawa would usually allow you guys to go pretty much anyway with someone. But you couldn't blame them for being to cautious after everything that's happened.

A strange feeling washed over you, like you were being watched. Looking around nothing seemed out of place.

"What's wrong (Y/N)" Uraraka asks, noticing your strange behaviour.

"Is it just me or does something not feel right." You say as the uneasiness continues.

"Come to think about it, something feels off" Asui says looking around like I did.

"We should get back to school ASAP, I don't like this feeling" Uraraka states

"Same" you reply. Gripping the bag of food tightly. You all continued walking and noticed that there was a person following you all. So there was somebody.

"Someone is following us" you whisper.

"What do we do" Uraraka says.

"Just stay calm because if he sees a change he might run for us, I'm gonna send Izuku a text" you reply grabbing out your phone.

'We've got a problem' you text him.

'What's wrong, can't you get popcorn' he replys

'No, someone is following us and has been for the last 10 minutes'

'What!, tell me where you are and I'll be there to protect you girls'

'Izuku we'll be fine, we're almost back at school anyway, but I'll keep in touch ok'

'Just as long as your safe, see you soon.' You closed your phone and nodded to the girls, the guy was still following you. You sigh, you were going to be fine, there was no reason to worry.




Guess you spoke to soon.

All of a sudden you were surrounded. It happened so fast you didnt know what happened. One second you and the girls were fighting to get away from the men, the next you were hit in the back by something, causing you  to trip hit your head on the concrete. Everything went black.


The Heights Alliance was almost quiet to say through least, everyone had gathered in the common room getting ready to watch movies that had been set. All they were waiting on was the food the girls were getting.

The front door slammed open and the whole class turned and gasped at the sight. Asui was supporting an injured Uraraka will her shoulders, dispite being injured herself. They were both covered in cuts. (Y/N) was nowhere to be found.

"Oh my god, what happened to you both and where's (Y/N)." Momo cried out. Sato and Sero race away to get the first aid kit as the rest of the class circulate around them. Izuku takes Uraraka from Sui, face full of dread.

My Hero Academia Oneshots (Complete)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora