Helps On The Way (Kirishima x Injured Reader)

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It was supposed to be a simple full day training exercise where we had to navigate our way through a forest using our quirks and meet up with Mr Aizawa at a check point on the other side. But of course nothing is ever simple.

It was an hour long bus ride from UA to the place where the training was. Not that I minded that is. We were told that this was a solo exercise, meaning that teaming wasn't allowed. Which sucked because my quirk wasn't so much for navigation. Mine was more stealth like Jirou and Hagakure.

We arrived at the location and we were each given a basic first aid kit and a signal flare encase of an emergency. Aizawa told us only to use it when we were in danger or seriously injured. With everything set we headed off.

"I'll see you later on ok (Y/N)" My red headed boyfriend said.

"Yea see you soon" I reply before we go our separate ways.

The start of the exercise I thought I was doing well. I was making steady progress through the forest, despite how dense it was. It was hot and muggy but that didn't dampen my mood. I could hear explosions in the background and I knew that bakugou was the cause, probably using his quirk to blast over all the trees.

I hadn't used my quirk much on because it wasnt really useful for this exercise and I knew a few other people in the same boat. As the minutes went by I found myself getting rather bored and losing focus on what I was doing.

Of course this stupid mistake cost me big time.

One minute the ground was firmly under my feet, the next it had disappeared from right under me. Sending me tumbling down a steep hill that had rocks and sticks poking out of the ground.

My body felt numb because of the initial shock of the fall so I figured I was fine. However this proved to be the opposite when I moved my right leg, sending excruciating pain rippling through it. I couldn't help but cry out in pain as tears prick the corners of my eyes.

I look down to see a visible bump in my leg, presumably where it was broken.

"Shit" I swear in both pain and fear. There was no way in hell that I was going to be able to walk on this thing. I look myself over to see the extent of the damage to the rest of my body. I was mostly covered in cuts and bruises, a deep gash ran down my arm from where were they spread out to stop my fall.

I figured this was probably classed as an emergency figuring how I couldn't even fucking walk. I go to grab the flare from my pocket only to freeze in pure terror.

It was gone.

This was where I started panicking a little bit. I had no way of telling people I was in trouble. I must of lost it during the fall.

"Help!, can anyone hear me I need help" I yell before waiting.

"CAN ANYONE HEAR ME, HELP" Tears of fear make there way down my face, stinging the cuts.

After a few minutes of crying I steadily calmed myself and grabbed the first aid kit that had fallen close beside me. I open it and clean and patch up the cuts. It was better than sitting around crying. I then started working on my leg. I grabbed two thick stick that were within my reach and placed them beside my leg. I then grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around the top and bottom of my leg to keep the leg straight. It hurt like hell, but it had to be done.

After that I laid down and tried thinking of a way to send a signal for someone to help. This proved to be difficult as I figured by now the majority of the class was probably at the end mark by now. Leaving me alone.

Hopefully someone noticed I wasn't there and realized I was in trouble. It was time like this where I needed Kirishima, my literal rock who comforted me when I needed it. And I certainly needed it now.

I could tell by how dark it was getting that the sun had started to set, meaning it was getting cold. The pain in my leg was now a dull ache, but I knew as soon as I moved it the pain would be back again.

I was in my own world when I heard a voice in the distance.

"(Y/N)... (Y/N) where are you" the masculine voice called. And I almost cried when I recognized the voice.

"KIRI, KIRI IS THAT YOU, I NEED HELP" I screamed, hoping to be heard. Moments later a familiar body enters my sight and I started crying.

"(Y/N) babe, what happened." He said kneeling down and pulling me into a hug before wiping my tears away.

"I fell down a steep hill I didn't see and I broke my leg and I lost the flare. Kiri I was so scared." He hugs me again before standing up and looking at my leg.

"It's ok, your going to be alright now." He says before shooting a flare into the air. "Mr Aizawa should be here soon. The whole class had been looking for you for hours" Kirishima then sits besides me and looks at me with what looks like fear.

"I thought I lost you" he says softly kissing my forehead. Moments later Mr Aizawa's figure appeared through the trees with a stretcher he probably got from Momo. I explain what had happened and surprisingly Mr Aizawa wasn't mad, just worried. Both he and Kirishima placed me on the stretcher (which causes my leg to spike in pain) before carrying me back to the meeting sight.

I smiled to myself, knowing that no matter what, Kirishima would always rescue me.

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