That Smile (Mirio x Depressed Reader)

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This is a request from bioshockgirl123. Hope you enjoy.

Sometimes you didn't know how you got out of bed. You had no energy to do anything. No care towards anything around you. You shut people out to save them from you pit of disparity.

No body liked you at home, your sister hated you and your parents paid no attention to you. For all you knew you could drop dead in the streets and they wouldn't care.

They didn't even show any happiness when you got into UA. Not one congratulations or well done. No hugs and no love. Your sister dispised you even more after that. Claiming that you were only becoming a hero for the selfish desire of money.

It was like you were invisible. So that's what you became. You didn't come out of your room while at home until after everyone had gone to bed to get food. At school you sat by yourself at lunch and ignored your classmates.

Dispite trying to ignore them, there was always one blonde boy trying to cheer you up.

Mirio Togata.

He always had a smile no matter what he faced. The complete opposite of you. He would always come up to you and try to get you to smile. Sometimes he always did, but you kept a straight face.and smiled once he had left. When ever you got close to someone it only ended badly.

Over time you found yourself slowly enjoying Mirio's company and eventually became friends. Although you still refused to smile at him.

This changed however when your birthday came during your second year. Class was about to start and you were sitting blank faced as usual. (The class by this point just assumed you didn't smile or talk.) Mirio came up to your desk with a small package in his hand.

"Here, this is for you, happy birthday (Y/N) hope you like it" you slowly open it and the item inside made a smile appear your face for the first time in forever. It was a necklace with your favorite flower on it. 

"Thank you" you say quietly and the whole class erupts at your unusual behavior.

But you see the thing is with depression is that you have good moments and then really really bad moments.

You had just gotten home from school and as you were about to go to your room you werr grabbed by the wrist and dragged to the dining room where your parents were sitting. Your sister let go of your wrist and sneered at you for like the millionth time.

"How disappointed I am that my child can not even get straight A's" your father said to you.

"I'm going to have to agree with your father on this one (Y/N). Your sister is getting straight A's at her school and you can't even do that. I thought you would be doing better seeing how your going to UA."

"I don't understand how your my sister to be honest, your such a disappointment" your sister said. You had enough. You slammed your hands on the table and get up from your seat.

"And since when have you cared about me at all. You didn't even care that I got into UA in the firat place which by the way is an acomplishment itself. My dumbass of a sister countlessly bullies me and you can't give a shit. In fact I dont think you would have cared if I dropped dead in the streets. You pay no attention to me and I dont even remember the last time you said I love you"

"Do not use that tone with me in my household." Your father yelled

"Like I give a shit anymore, I bet you all would have jumped for joy if I had died because I certainly don't get any love when I'm in this house" you scream back at him, running out of the house with tears in your eyes.

You ran and ran until your legs collapsed under you. This was it, rock bottom, and to think you couldn't get any worse, your parents thought you were a failure. But just as you though this was it was going to be forever. There he was with that smile he always wore. More tears fell as you said.

"I've sunken so far down I dont know if I can get back up." He kneeled down and wiped your tears away.

"Of course you can, you just need someone to help you up that's all." Mirio replied, that smile never leaving his face.

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