Always count on us (Class 1A x Asthmatic Reader)

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(A/n): I don't suffer from asthma so please excuse me if the symptoms aren't 100%

Hero training today was absolutely brutal to say the least. The whole class was pushed to the limit with the activities All Might and Aizawa had put together.

Everyone was pretty much ready to head back to the dorms for the afternoon and relax without stress. But since when do things go to plan for our class.

I'll give you the answer. Never. Everything is usually interrupted by an attack or just something plain stupid.

Once everyone had changed out of their costumes. We all started making our way back to the dorms for some much needed relaxation.

A tightness in my chest began to arise while I was finishing putting away my costume. I felt around in my pockets for my inhaler but found that it wasn't there. After looking around and not finding it I figured I should be alright until I got to the dorms

"(Y/N), you ok, you better hurry before we leave without you." Uraraka cried out before exiting the change room. I quickly finished up before racing out to catch up to Uraraka, who was standing next to Izuku, Iida and Todoroki.

"There you are (Y/N), we were about to leave with out you." Iida says.

"Sorry guys I was looking for something, it's alright though" I reply back. Feeling out of breath

"Are you alright (Y/N), you seem out of breath." Todoroki asks with concern evident in his eyes.

"Yea, I'm alright" I say before we walk back to the dorms. Once outside of the school we see that the clouds are growing dark with rain.

"Hey guys" Kirishima's voice called out. We look to see Kirishima, Bakugou and Kaminari just passed the stairs. Bakugou looked annoyed... So that's normal. What wasn't normal was Kaminari deciding he wanted to zap Bakugou. The calm before the storm. You poke the bear you get the claw.

The zap jolted Bakugou for a few seconds before he turns around with a look that would put Kaminari six feet under ten times over.

"YOU BASTARD, ZAP ME AGAIN AND YOU'LL DIE" he yelled before chasing Kaminari, during the midst of this I somehow became a human meat shield against Bakugou and was being pulled around against my will. Causing my chest to constrict tighter.

If it wasn't for Kirishima, Iida and Todoroki, Kaminari would surely be dead.

We all continued out walk to the dorms, but our slow walk turned into a fast paced walk as thunder rang in the distance. It was getting harder to breathe and I hoped that I could get my inhaler before an asthma attack occured.

The coughing was a sure sign that I needed to hurry. I was coughing even 30 seconds to so, which caused Izuku to become concerned.

"(Y/N), are you sure your alright" he asks concerned, not trusting myself to talk I just nod in response. The coughing only intensified once we reached the front of the dorm house.

Everyone started filing inside but I stopped at the stairs and started coughing every few seconds, my breathing was wheezy and my chest and throat almost left closed. I then knew I was having an asthma attack, with no inhale anywhere near me.

The coughing only stopped for a few seconds as I took a few painful breaths. I collapsed to my knees and put one hand to my chest. I couldn't breathe. I needed to call out for someone but everyone was inside and I couldn't get enough air to speak. However someone noticed I wasn't inside and can to check on me.

"(Y/N)!" Izuku cried out as he saw me on my knees coughing, this alerted everyone inside who raced out to see what was going on.

"Whats happening." Todoroki asks the first to race out followed by the rest of 1A.

"I don't know I just found her like this" Izuku said concerned.

"Omg, she's having an asthma attack, quick someone go get Mr Aizawa" Uraraka cried out and seconds after Momo races in to grab our teacher.

Tears well in my eyes as the struggle to breathe, panic surged inside me. Seconds after Aizawa and Momo return

"Everyone move" our teacher commands to which everyone immediately listens. Mr Aizawa kneels beside me. "(Y/N), I need to you to calm down, panicking is going to make it worse. Iida I need you to ran and get Recover Girl, quickly." He says before Iida races off

"(Y/N) where's your inhaler" Mr Aizawa asks me, with the strength I have I point up to my window on the third floor. "You don't have one on you" I shake my head as our teacher swears under his breath. "Someone run up to (Y/N)'s room and grab their inhaler. NOW" Aizawa yells. Panic in his voice as Kirishima runs away. The others in my class stood in shock. Even Bakugou.

My vision had begun to darken from lack of oxygen. My airways completely shut. I couldn't breathe. I was scared. I didn't want to die.

"(Y/N) keep your eyes open, don't you dare die on us you damn nerd" Bakugou yells before a shattering noise rang through the air. I look up with the last of my strength to see Kirishima jumping out of my window. A look of both determination and fear on his face as he used his quirk to keep himself from damaging his body on impact with the ground. Everyone physical flinched as he hit the ground.

Kirishima was quick to get up and race over to Mr Aizawa, who quickly took the inhaler and pressed it against my lips and gave me the lifesaving medicine to open my lungs. The medicine worked quickly as fresh oxygen entered my lungs. I gasped and coughed against. Swallowing as much air as I could as Mr Aizawa pats my back.

The whole class seemed to relax. Most of the girls almost cried tears of happiness as my breathing return.

"MR AIZAWA" Iida yelled from down the path. Recovery Girl on his back. The old lady was set on the ground and immediately made her way over to me and examined my condition.

"The attack seems to have passed but I would like to take her to the infirmary overnight for observation, just in case another attack happens during the night." Recovery Girl said.

"Alright, everyone back inside while I take (Y/N) to the infirmary. When I get back I want everyone in the dining area, we need to have a talk." Mr Aizawa says before lifting me into his arms and taking me back to school. The class started calling out goodbyes, stay safe and other lines like that.

I was firmly scolded by both Mr Aizawa and Recovery Girl for not carrying my inhaler and not alerting someone about my worsening condition. I spent the night in the infirmary and when I woke up the next day, stackes of cards from the class were left on the tables.

Before I even got to start reading. A knock on the door sounded and Recovery Girl entered, followed by the rest of the class.

"Glad to see your ok (Y/N)" Todoroki asks

"Thanks to you guys. Especially you Izuku, Momo, Iida and Kirishima. I probably would have died if it weren't for you" I reply.

"You idiot, why didn't you say you were having an asthma attack, we all thought you were going to die." Bakugou practically yelled.

"I didn't think it would get that bad and I didn't want to bother guys if it were a false alarm." I say

"(Y/N), we wouldn't have cared, your our friend" Izuku says

"Yea. You can always count on us to help you out." Kirishima said.

And whenever I needed help. With anything. My classmates and friends were always there to count on.

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