Backup (Lov x Asthmatic Reader)

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Hey guys I'm back. I got this suggestion while back and thought it was a really good idea, a throwback to one of my earlier chapters lol. Comment what you think.

The one thing about the league of Villains, there not just a bunch of mindless criminals. They actually felt like a sort of family for people who had become lost in the world. A place where being yourself wasn't criticised, where your quirk was valued. That's how the league made you feel.

You were only young. Not that much older than Dabi by the looks of him. You knew the world and its good and bad sides. How most people were treated with disrespect and cruelty, especially of that person didn't live up to the standards of society. That person being you.

See you were outcasted for your quirk. Your quirk was named sirens voice. You had the power to take control of a person once they fell under your harmonic voice. However this quirk was seen as either useless or dangerous. So you essentially become an out cast. No one wanted to get to close.

Your quirk also had side effects. Singing for to long would trigger your mild asthma, while you hadn't had a suffer attack in many years, you still kept an inhaler on your being at all times. You couldn't be to prepared. You joined the league after your neglecting parents practically said they didn't want you. While you knew this to be already true. The physical words cut like knives.

You wanted to change the world. Show them that quirks weren't everything to a person. All these thoughts were turning in your mind are you sat in a chair at the lov hideout. Toga came skipping in, a smile plastered on her face as per usual. Toga being one of the few people left to stay behind while other members were on missions

"Hiya (Y/N), whatcha doing" she asks while using an extremely annoying voice. You sigh

"Nothing much Toga. Just waiting for Tomura to get back so we can go on a mission already, I'm bored"

"They shouldn't be to much longer, Ging rang me a while ago saying they were almost finished." She replied.

"Good then" you both sat there in a comfortable silence until you heard footsteps coming from down the hall. Low and behold your fellow villains had returned with all but minor scratched.

"Im presuming it went well then" you asking in a bored tone.

"Of course it did, how do you take us for.
It was tough we almost died" Twice shouted

"Those guys were a bunch of amateur's, they didn't stand a chance' Dabi said menacingly.

"So what can we do" Toga jumps up excitedly.

"I want the both of you to check out this spots here. I've got Intel that there's some gangs stating that there with the league. There trashing its reputation and its beginning to really piss me off. They can either join us or be wiped out. Their choice. You know the rest" Tomura said as you can Toga both looked at the location stated on the map. Soon you got ready and headed off to your destination.


The villian group trying to impose as you didn't feel like joining. It also didn't take long to use your quirk to get complete control of every person in front of you. Toga of course had earplugs in so she couldn't be controlled.

However after both huge groups were taken care of you found that your breathing had become wheezy. As a safe precaution you go to grab your inhaler to calm down the symptoms only to find it not there. Toga saw the pissed look on your face and asked.

"Whats got you so angry"

"My bloody inhalers gone missing. I wanted to take it because my breathing gone wheezy and I dont wanna have an attack" you say as you search the ground around you.

"I didn't know you had asthma, do the others know" she asked

"Its only mild so I dont really have an issue with it unless I use my quirk to much, just help me find it and keep it to yourself. I dont the others putting my missions on backlog because of my stupid lungs"

Toga was quick to help you search and with a few minutes had found it. Only it had been shattered in to unrepairable pieces. You swear.

"We'll need to head back asap. I dont feel like suffocating today" you say as the two of you being to walk back to the hideout.

The more you walked the more you felt like your chest was tighting, you swear internally, not wanting to cause alarm for your fellow team mate who you know for a fact would freak the actual fuck out.

A coughing fit had you stopping on the last turn to the hideout. Leaning up against the wall you continue to cough. Air barely getting through. You look to the blonde girl.

"Toga. . . Help" you wheezed as the coughing continues. The girl quick to put an arm over her shoulder and pulling you the rest of the way.

"GUYS WE NEED HELP" Toga as you both make it to the doorway. Before you collapse from the coughing. Your teamates were quick to race around.

"What the hells wrong with them" Dabi shouts at the girl while crouching down next to you.

"Were they hit with a quirk" Compress inclines.

"No, they told me they had mild asthma effected my their quirk. Their inhaler was damaged on the mission." Toga stumbled over her words as Shiggy came next to you.

"Do you have another inhaler (Y/N)" he asks somewhat panicked. Your coughing had continued as you tried gasping for air. Your airways felt to tight you were scared the were about to close. You managed a nod and pointed in the direction of your room.

"T-T-Top d-r-r-a" you coughing overtook again. Dabi turned to someone behind them.

"Its in their top draw grab it NOW" Dabi yelled with urgency. You heard rushing footsteps go and return before something was shoved in your mouth and the familiar medicine entered your body. Dabi transported you over to the lounge and you take a few more puffs to open your lungs back up

Everything was quiet for a few minutes as you waited for your breathing to become somewhat normal again. Tomura was the first one to talk.

"How come you failed to mention this you us" You sigh.

"I didn't want your putting me on the back burner for missions because of something that isn't that bad."

"So you call almost dying something not bad aye, you could have died just than" Dabi was quick to retort. Looking quite pissed you might add.

"No thats not it I-" you try to talk only for Dabi to interrupt again.

"What if Toga couldn't drag you back what do you think would have happened then huh (Y/N)." You stay quiet looking at down your hands. The silence returned for a moment

"I think from now on you tell us when your breathing gets like this. Were a team. Someone can always cover" Compress adds.

"Agreed, you gave us quite the scare
No they didn't, we weren't scared at all" Twice says. You nod.

"Alright guys. I will. And I'm sorry for not saying anything. I didn't mean to worry yous."

"Tch, its fine, but don't do it again" Tomura says as everyone disbursed. You smile. The league was definitely your family

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