Right place at the right time (Midoriya x Reader)

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I sat with the girls in Mina's dorm room for a slumber party, finally having a day off where we could all muck around and do girl stuff all night. We were currently doing each other's hair or nails and discussing many different topics.

"So (Y/N). When are you going to make your move on Deku" Uraraka asks in a teasing tone. The glass of water I was drinking almost became her new outfit as I choked on the water at the direct question.

"I-I-I don't really know, I don't even think Izuku likes me like that. I swear he has a thing for you Uraraka" I stutter at the thought of the green haired boy. Ever since the USJ attack I had developed a serious crush on the boy.

"Oh don't sell yourself short (Y/N). I'm positive that Midoriya likes you. Whenever your name is mentioned he becomes a red stuttering mess. That's definitely proof he likes you". Hagakure cries excitedly.

"You think so" I say in return. Could Izuku really like me that way.

"Definitely, you need to confess to him (Y/N) before you lose your chance. Girls I say we devise a plan to help our fellow girl bag herself a man." Mina exaggerates. I just sigh as the girls planned for tomorrow.

Timeskip to the next day

I was beyond nervous as Mina and I were walking to class. The plan was for the girls to say to Izuku that I was in trouble somewhere and that he had to 'help', so that when he came I could confess. Of course I had no part in the planning.

I didnt want to do this. What if he rejected me. What if he didn't return the feelings. The butterflies in my stomach had been there ever since I woke up, and I was secretly glad I hadn't seen Izuku at breakfast.

As we turned the corner I walked into a solid object, causing me to lose my balance and fall over, dropping my books in the floor. I look up to see that the solid object I had walked into turned out to be Izuku's chest.


"O-Oh sorry about that (Y/N), I-I didn't see you there. I wasn't watching where I was going. I hope I didn't hurt you or anything." He stuttered kindly, bending down to help me pick up my books. His face slightly red. Maybe the girls were right about him liking me.

"I-Its perfectly fine Deku, I-I-I'm not hurt or anything." I say, picking the last book at the same time as Izuku's, causing our hands to touch. We retract back instantly, our faces turning bright red.

"Sorry" we say at the same time. Which only added to the blush. He helps me up before standing nervously.

"H-Hey (Y/N), c-can I tell you something." Izuku asks shyly. I reply with a nod, not trusting myself to speak proper sentences.

"Well. Ireallyreallylikeyouandiwaswonderingifyouwouldbemygirlfriend" Izuku spoke quickly. I was shocked, he really did like me.

"I like you to Izuku. Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I say before hugging him, to which he returned immediate. A smile lights up on my face. Little did I know that the girls were around the corner peeking, having planned this from the very beginning.

(A/n): I had trouble writing this one I lost inspiration halfway through of if it's bad I apologize.

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