Its All Your Classes Fault (Bakugou x Reader)

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OMG GUYS I AM SOOOOOO SORRY. I didn't realised its been so long since the last chapter update I feel so slack guys im sorry.

You sweep up another bit of ice from the floor. The concert that class 1A just finished was spectacular. You honestly didn't think the idea would work. But this was your class after all.

"Damn Todoroki, how much ice did you have to make" you muttered. It had already been 30 minutes and the hall was no where near clean. Damn stupid effect

Your mind started to wonder. Did the concert make this better with the other students. You were kinda sick of the constant glares and snearing from the rest of the school. It wasn't your fault villians kept attacking you. Its not like you could ask them to stop or anything. Their villains.
Regardless you hoped everything was fine now.

"Oi. Stop slacking off and keep cleaning" a familiar voice yells in your face. Your mind was dragged from it current thought back to the present where your boyfriend was standing in front of you with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What the hell were you staring at" Bakugou questions. You blink at him before realising you were probably just starting into nothing. 

"Oh, sorry babe, I was thinking about something and I suppose my mind wondered again." You had a tendency to do that after all.

"Well how about less daydreaming and more cleaning their other things that need to be done." You nod in response as he leaves to clean another part of the room. You go back to cleaning with the thought still in the back of your mind.


"Phew, finally finished" you puff out. It only took about an hour but the hall was finally clean. The rest of the class started to disperse as you walk over to your boyfriend who was throwing the past bag of rubbish into the bins.

"So, do you wanna come explore what the rest of the festival has to offer." You ask as you grab his hand.

"Tch, sure whatever makes you happy. I suppose we can do see the other stupid stuff. Ours was still number one though." Bakugou grumbles. You chuckle at his words.

"Of course it was babe. Of course it was" you whisper before snuggling into his muscles arm as you both walk away from the hall.

The rest of the schol festivities included lots of food stalls and novelty events. To which Bakugou paid for. Because let's face it. He wouldn't let you spend a cent on him. He forced you to walk through a haunted house, probably for the chance to 'protect you,' even though most of the time he was quietly laughing at your terrified reactions and the way you clung onto him like a scared child.

You both watched the horrendous play Class B held. Bakugou having to hold down both his rage and laughter. You on the other hand were just confused, why put multiple different stories together. The day as going great so far.

You and Bakugou were sitting on a bench eating soba. After eating you stand up and turn to the blonde boy.

"Im going to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a moment ok" Bakugou just huff in response and goes back to eating his food.

You walk off into the crowd leaving your boyfriend behind. You walk around a few minutes trying to find a bathroom, your mind once again wondering away. It wasn't until something tapped yours shoulder that you were once again dragged from mind for a second time that day. You turn around to see some upper classman. Second years you presumed.

"Hey what can I do for you." You asked politely. The guys that touched your shoulder frowned.

"You can start with getting rid of that happy attitude. We all know its fake anyway."

This made you pause. The hell was he on about

"Im sorry. I'm a little confused, what's wrong" you inquired. Probably a poor question. A girl behind them chimed up.

"Whats wrong she says, what's wrong is that your class is the reason why our families couldn't come the festival today that's what's wrong. All because Class 1A is a bunch of attention seeking children that think their the best in the whole school"

Oh that's what this was about. The thought youve had on your mind all day.

"Listen, we aren't attention seeking. None of us wanted to be attacked by villians. Did you seriously think that" you argue.

"Well its pretty bloody convenient that you guys have been involved in nearly every villian attack so far this year." Another guys interjects.

"Thats not it at all" you try and argue but they weren't having it at all

The guy in front pins you up against a wall. His face full of rage as he spills his word vomit in your face.

"Now you listen here you 1a scum. Your a nobody in this school. Your only first year's. I bet that everyone in the class plans to ruin everything for the rest of us just to get more clout for the pro's for when yous graduate. Well guess what. We can make your lives a living hell until then." His hand tightening your wrists. You attempted to yourself your quirk but the guy was quick to see and head butts you. Making your vision blurred and your head ache.

"Now why don't you all go back to the hole where you all came from and tell everyone in that pathetic class that there's no way we can forgive you for what's happened so far. You got that." He let's you go and you slide to the ground, your head still spinning. It was then you heard crackling.

"You extras wanna tell me why my girlfriend is on the ground with an egg shaped lump on her head. Or am I just gonna have to beat it out of you. You heard your boyfriend growl in a feral tone.

"Well if it isn't published enemy number one Katsuki Bakugou. I didn't know this lousy chick was your girlfriend. I mean I shouldn't be surprised your all scum any-" the guy didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence as Bakugou sent an explosion to his face. The others were quick to move out of the was as he made his way to you. Picking you up quickly.

"Talk shit bout me all you want. But you leave her out of this. Got it" they shook their head quickly. "Now scram" and they were off.

"Bakugou" you say, your head still spinning.

"Im taking you to Recovery girl. She'll fix your head. . .  And don't listen to those idiots. They don't know what we went through. What we're still going through." Your head laid on his shoulder.

"Thank you, for everything" what those idiots didn't know was that you still suffered pretty harsh nightmares from the training camp. Most night often led you to sleep with the spiky headed boy.

"Anything for you (Y/N)."

So guys I've been thinking. I've recently finished HxH and I've been thinking who would read a book of oneshots/preferences if I made one. just curious thats all.

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