Not Just A Boring Day (Hawks x Reader)

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Thought I'd try a new character and see how you guys like it. So here we go. Enjoy. Ps your also quirkless in this as well.

When you got out of bed this morning you thought it was gonna be just like any normal day for youa. That turned out to be completely wrong.

Your day started out just like any other. You woke up, had a shower, ate breakfast and grabbed everything you needed for errand running today. The first place you go is to the bank to get money out for the groceries before walking to a very small and very cheap food store.

You walked to most places. Being quirkless and only working a small part time job that only gave you a few shifts a week, there wasn't a whole lot of money that you earned. It made life difficult but you managed none the less.

Sirens screeched in the distance, the sound of cars and people walking down the sidewall were sounds that filled your ears on the daily. Not that you minded, there wasn't much that changes in your life. Just the same boring routine everyday.

You arrive at the small shop and none surprised apart from the old owner you were the only other person there. It was an old shop, had been there probably 30 or more years and looked as ragged and rundown as an abandoned house. However it was cheap and the owner was very nice so it didn't matter. You grab a trolley from the front and begin your weekly shop.


Your eyes poured over the small list in your hands. Unfortunately this was all you could afford for this week without taking money from your rent account. This would last about a week anyway. After all you were the only person living in your house.

You start off with getting bread as it was at the front of the store. As your grabbed to loafs you look at the list and turn up the first asle to get your fruit and vegetables.

'Mmmmhhh, do I want potatoes or lettuce for dinner' you thought to yourself.

Continuing on you grabbed your soap, rice and butter before walking to the back of the store where the fridge were to grab the last item on your list. Milk.

The side of the fridge door were rusted and they sounded like a dying truck but at least the Milk stayed cold.

"Do I get the big bottle and risk overspending or small and risk running out."  Another thought questioned your mind. You open the door and grabbed the big bottle but as you placed it in your basket a huge explosion sent the old shop shaking like an earthquake. (ps deadset was gonna make it an earthquake but nah)

The shaking caused you the lose you balance, falling on the ground as smoke blinded your vision and the ceiling collapsed. A small chunk hit your head and that's it, you blacked out.


You wake up to sirens and alarms blaring. Smoke still filled the air as you coughed. You tired moving only to see and realise a big problem. A huge cement flab and crushed your trolley right over you. Practically saving you from being crushed. However that meant it was also the only thing keeping you alive.

You were cramped into the corner, the trolley balancing precariously between the two walls. Curling into a ball you think of the possible options right now. Obviously there were heroes on the way but would they be able to save you.

Groaning at the situation you've gotten yourself into you touch your sore head only to feel a dampness. Looking at your finger to see bright red staining them. That rock must have hit you worse than you first originally thought.

The trolley buckled slightly as the weigh of the slab moved the support slightly lower. Dust fell down causing you to choke on it.

"All I wanted to do was do my weekly shop and go home. But I can't even do that" you say to yourself.

You heard concrete being moved at the from of the shop before a voice called out.

"Is anyone in here, the pro heroes are here to help"

"YES I AM. IM AT THE BACK CORNER. PLEASE HELP" You scream out but that made the trolley move more as you gasp. The trolley had gotten lower to the point where you had to lay on the floor.

"Dont worry, we'll get you out" the once says again.

"Please hurry" you whisper to yourself.

More shuffling continues and it sounds like it was getting closer and slowly bits of light started shining though. However this joy was only short lived. The slab moved again.

"Stop! Everyone stop! We move anything else and this things gonna fall. Give me a try" slowly red feathers started to filter into the small space and begin pushing up on the  slab and trolley. It was pushed far enough that an opening was made up the top. But you wouldn't be able to get up there.

Suddenly more red feather came and swept you up off the ground, getting you out just as the slab fell and crushed the trolley underneath. After the initial shock was over you found yourself in the arms of the number 2 pro hero Hawks.

"Looks like we got you out just in time. Are you alright"

"Yes. I am alright now thanks to you Hawks." He starts walking over to the ambulance and then you see the severity of what happened. The entire shop was a buring pile of rubble.

"How did the shop explode" you ask.

"Investors are putting it to a broken gas main. Must have gotten ignited somehow and exploded. It was lucky there weren't more people in here and that the two of you got out safely." You sigh. Glad the owner got out safely.

"Now let's get you to an ambulance. That head injury needs tending to" Hawks says walking over.

You rest your head on his shoulder and sigh. Today was definitely different to say the least. Hawks set you down as the paramedics came to check on you.

"Thank you again Hawks. Here's hoping we dont see each other again in similar circumstances."

"Preferably not no. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours to get hurt now would we" he says smirking before shooting off into the air.

At least today was a little bit more exciting than what most was.

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