A training session to remember (Bakugou x Reader)

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Quirk: water manipulation, allow you to control any water around you. However if you use it to much it causes you to become dizzy.

(Y/N)'s POV

The day started off like any other day. Normal... Well about as normal as you can get for class 1A. Even before the bell had gone my classmates were reeking havoc in the classroom.

Sero and Kaminari were throwing paper balls at each other with Iida yelling at them for being immature and to start acting like UA students. Mineta was being his usual Perverted self trying to touch any girl he can gets his hands on, but that ends quickly with one of the girls beating the shit out of him. Midoriya was muttering to himself again and to top it all off. Bakugou was screaming at the top of his lungs at the whole class for being too loud.

Of course once the bell went seats were instantly filled to save everyone from Aizawa's wrath. The first few periods went to slow for my liking as I twirled my (h/l)(h/c) hair in between my fingers. The bell for lunch rang and Present Mic dismissed us quickly.
"Hey (Y/N), what do you think Mr Aizawa has enstored for training today" Uraraka asks me cheerful as we walk to the cafeteria.

"I honestly don't have a clue. It could be anything". I reply back.

"I hope it's combat training. I could use more experience with different quirks". Izuku says from behind us before muttering again. I look to Uraraka and we both shake out heads with a smile at the green haired boy's habit.

We get to the cafeteria get out food and sit in our usual spot. While eating lunch my eyes drift over to a certain ash blonde boy across the Hall. He turns his head to face me and I quickly look away as heat runs to my cheeks. I'd liked Bakugou for a while now, but I knew the hothead would never return the feeling. As lunch came to an end we walked back to the classroom for hero training. Mr Aizawa stood out the front of the classroom waiting for silence before explaining today's lesson

"Today we will be focusing on combat training. Now I know for some this is already a skill you have had to use. But for the majority of the class combat is still an issue that needs to be covered. A hero needs to have the skills and preparation to fight at any time and in any situation. Suit up and meet me in the training quad". Mr Aizawa announces before dismissing us.

Once we all were gathered in the quad my eyes wonder over to Bakugou in his hero suit. He looked even better with his muscled arms revealed, they way his abs look.....

No no no, stop thinking like that (Y/N), he's never going to like you like that so there's no point drooling over him. He's out of your league. I thought to myself before listening to the instructions.

We had to basically immobilize our opponent or get them to surrender. Which shouldn't be to hard. My hopes were quickly lost once I found out who I was versing.

"(L/N) and Bakugou. Your up first." Aizawa says. My stomach drops. Bakugou is probably one of the strongest people in 1A. He still scares me a little bit from the sports festival. This wasn't going to be easy. I put my game face on and meet with Bakugou in the middle of the quad before getting in a fight in stance. Sparks were already flying from his hands.



"Begin" and that was the was the only signal I needed before gathering a wall of water in defense of Bakugou's blast.

"DIE" He shouts his usual phrase as he begins to charge at me. Quick to respond I use my water to propel me into the air. Just in time to avoid his blast at close range

"Stop avoiding me and fight!" Bakugou yells. I send water hurtling his way and it was enough to distract him so that I could get a few close up hits with my water.

He stumbled back a few steps before giving me a look that send fear shooting through me. Bakugou comes charging again but at full force while sending explosion after explosion directly at me.

One blast hit me straight in the stomach, sending me flying back a few metres which causes me to land on my knee and ankle painfully. I wrapped one arm around my stomach and rubbed the pain away. I could hear my classmates telling Mr Aizawa to stop before I got hurt but I wasnt finished.

Not by a long shot.

I had to provide myself worthy to him.

I stood up ignoring the pain from my knee and ankle. And looks bakugou dead in the eyes

"Is that all you got, come at me with all you've got bakugou. I want to be tested". I yell at him. He give me a look of somewhat amusement and says.

"Your not half bad compared to theses nerds. But your still no good enough to beat me (Y/N)." Bakugou replies before continuing. Pride swelled in me. He though I was good. This made me more determined than before.

Our match continued for a few minutes and I could feel myself getting dizzy and the pain in my knee and ankle had worsened. I send a big wave over the field, hitting bakugou and knocking him back. Probably not the best idea. Another explosion went past my defense and hit me again. Knocking me down. I slowly got back up and stood unsteadily on my feet, swaying slightly. I won't give up.

"WHY WON'T YOU GIVE UP" Bakugou yells before charging again at me. I take stance once more and step forward only to have my leg give out underneath me, sending me falling to the ground. I could hear the class and Aizawa screaming at Bakugou to stop as he runs at me. I close my eyes and wait for the impact of the ground or an explosion to hit.

But it never does.

Instead I find myself in the arms of my crush himself as he lowers me to the ground resting my head in his lap.
"You idiot. Why did you have to push yourself like that. You knew you were hurt, why not surrender." He says quietly as the other race over.

"Because I wanted to prove I was worthy of you. But I'm still not strong enough" I whisper back. As tears make there way to my eyes.

"Of course your worthy of me. It's me who isn't worthy of you, your so strong headed (Y/N). Your smile can make anyone's day. You didn't have to prove anything" he says before his lips met mine for a quick kiss before pulling back.

"Holy shit, did Bakugou just kiss someone" Kaminari cried. Drawing out attention to the crowd around us. Mr Aizawa kneels next to us as he inspects my injuries. He looks at both of us before saying.

"That was extremely stupid what you both did. This would have been a lot worst if Bakugou had of hit you with that blast (Y/N). I hope you know that." I nod in response. "Now can someone volunteer to take (Y/N) to Recovery Girl." Before anyone had replied Bakugou had lifted me up and was already walking towards school. No one protested.

"Your mine now, no one elses" he says before going quiet once more.

This was definitely a training session to remember.

Hope you like my first mha stories. Be sure to ask for a request if you want.

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