Because I Am Here (Toshinori x Kidnapped Reader)

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A/n: I hope your all enjoying the book. If you havent read the other chapters go check them out. Otherwise enjoy.




I sat in the corner of the dark cell. Cold and scared beyond explanation. Water dripping from the ceiling only adding to my fear. Silent tears run down my cheeks. The cuts on my body still bleeding and swollen. My outfit of ripped shorts and a T-shirt did nothing against the cold.

I don't even know how it happened. One minute I was walking home. The next I'm pulled into an alleyway, attacked then kidnapped. It happened so fast I didn't even have a chance to fight back.

I don't know how long I've been here. It could be days for all I know. Toshi's probably worried sick not knowing where I am. I knew about both his forms, how he was All Might. That that didn't stop me from thinking any different of him. He was still a hero. A hero who would save me.

Footsteps echoed down the Hall. Telling me that someone was approaching. Anxiety builds again as tears still fall from my eyes. I curl myself into a corner and a figure steps up to the bars.

"Come on sweetheart. I'm not that scary" the person says with a smirk in his voice. Like he was having fun keeping me locked up down here. I don't reply. Instead I sit there in silence.

"What. Not going to talk. Come on princess dont be like that, if you don't talk I won't feed you" as if on cue my stomach growls, not giving my much of a choice.

"What do you want with me" I say quietly for like the 100th time.

"Again with that question sweetheart, like I said before all will be revealed in due time."

"Don't! Call me that" I say agitated.

"Someone's got a feisty attitude today don't we. Might want to turn that down sweetheart, we're not nice all the time" he says darkly before sliding the food underneath that bars. After I was sure he was gone I slowly crawl over to the tray and see what food was on it.

Much like the last meal. This one consisted of some disgusting slop that probably wasn't even edible and knowing anything it was probably drugged as well so I pushed it to the side and sat back in the corner.

It was quiet for a long time after that. Exhaustion nagged at me but I refused to sleep. I didn't want to take any chances with these men. My eyes were drooping when I heard multiple footsteps down from the cell and I became alert immediately, huddling against the corner like I could disappear through it.

"Hello gorgeous. How are we doing today, my associate tells me you've got a bit of an attitude today. Why don't we fix that shall we" the balky man says, opening the door to the cell.

This terrified me, what was he going to do. Two more men walked in after him all with smirks on their faces. I was cornered. What do I do.

The two men grabbed my arms, pulling me forward, they then pinned me down so I couldn't fight back.

"We're going to have a little fun" the balky guy says. As his hands go for my shirt. No. This was happening.

"N-No, stop, get off of me." His hands rip my shirt off. They trail down my body. Tears filled my eyes. I thrashed around but it did nothing.

"N-No please stop. Anyone please."

"HELP!" My cries were heard apparently as there was a loud bang down the Hall.

"Do not fear because I am here!" I recognized that voice immediately and so did the others.

"Shit its All Might" a gust of wind blew around the room as all three men were taken off me and were thrown against a wall. Once the men were down Toshinori came over to me.

"Are you alright (Y/N)" he asks softly. Pulling me into his arms as I start sobbing.

"I'm just glad you came" I say. His body heat warning my frozen body. He doesn't even seem embarrassed by the fact I had no shirt on. He carried me up to the surface again where me asked for a blanket to cover my upper body before taking me to the ambulance.

"If I had been a second or two later" he starts

"You weren't thought" I say slightly drifting off.

"Get some rest (Y/N), I'll see you at the hospital soon alright" was the last thing I hear before falling asleep. Finally safe.

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