FatGum x Abused OC

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This is a request from Powerhousefan. Sorry guys for the inactivity, work and home have had me busy but I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: The OC and backstory behind the OC belongs to Powerhousefan. Go and see their work.

Roka walked quickly down the street, navigating around people to try and lose her crazy boyfriend. She had enough of his constant abuse and making her feel horrible everyday. She were sick of constant silence, sick of always trying to hide black bruises from everyone. So she walked out while he was in the shower. He didn't even let her out of the house at all.

She had nothing but her handbag and phone with her. Guess she was starting over. She was so inveloped that she ran into someone and fell on her butt. Roka looked up and saw that she had run into a hero.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" she stumbled out, hoping to get out of there as soon as possible. But then she realize that it wasn't just any hero. It was her old friend Toyomitsu Taishirō Aka FatGum.

"Roka, are you alright. That's was quite a fall there" he says offering  hand to help her up. She took it.

"I'm fine, thanks Taishirō."  He gave her a looks that said he wasnt convinced with that answer.

"Are you sure, you look like somethings scared you" damn he always had good reading a persons body language.

"I'm positive" finally taking the answer. Fat changed topic.

"So how have you been Roka, I haven't seen you in years." Roka paused. Trying to think of a good answer.

"I've been good. Life has been good" Roka says, leaving it at that.

"Oh alright then, I better be off" She says and before she could leave a hand grab her from behind and her eyes widen at her boyfriend.

"There you are Roka, I've been looking for you, we need to get home" he says.

"Who's this Roka." Taishirō asks.

"I'm her boyfriend" he says answer Fats eyes sharpened.

"Well if your her boyfriend you wouldn't mind removing your hand from her wrist because I'm pretty sure she can walk herself." Fat glared at him. The hand was gone from Roka's moments later.

"Let's go sweets" that name made Roka mentally cringe.

"Roka, is everything alright, if anything is wrong is now is the time to say it" Fat says with a look that he knows something is wrong"

But knowing that there wasn't a way she could get away now, she knew what to say.

"Yea everything is fine. We better get going now fat. Bye" She said. Sadly walking away from the one person who could have saved her.



"I cannot believe you almost told a hero about what happens here"


"Do you know how dangerous that is for me"


"I could have gone to jail"

Roka lay on the floor as blood poured out of her nose. He was hitting her again. A voice in the back of her mind saying that she should have told Taishirō about this.

"I'm going out, don't you dare leave" he says as he leaves and slams the front door.

Her phone buzzes and she see that Taishirō has texted her.

"Hey, was everything alright back there today"  he texted.

"Yeah, everything is fun" she replied, hoping to settle everything down.

"I don't believe you Roka, tell me what's going on now" 

Now was her chance. Tell him, tell him what's going on.



He was calling her. She answered

"Hey Taishirō, why did you call." Roka asked.

"I'm making sure your ok, something about that guy doesn't seem right to me."

"Everything is fine I promi-" the front door slammed opened and there stood her boyfriend.

"Who the hell are you talking to." He says dangerously.

"I-Im ording pizza" before she could react her boyfriend had stolen her phone and had looked at the caller ID.

"Roka, Roka what's going o-"  he smashed her phone before you could call Fat for help.

"Your going down bitch" before she could sprint away he grabbed Roka's hair. She started panicking, it was just like her childhood again.

She kicked him in the shin and ran to the bathroom and locked herself inside hoping to buy time. For minutes her boyfriend slammed on the bathroom door, until the door gave way. Roka hid herself in the corner waiting for the pain that was going to come. But before your boyfriend could attack he was pulled out by none other than FatGum.

"Don't you even think of hurting her" FatGum says as he had a tight hold on her boyfriend.

"You let go of me right now hero, this is none of your business"

"It is when your attacking an innocent person. Your going to jail for a long time" FatGum says as Roka's boyfriend was led away. After Taishirō came back Roka immediately ran into his arms.

"Thank you for saving me" she says.

"Anything for you Roka" he replied.

I am soo sorry it took so long for a new chapter guys, I've had a lot on my plate lately so please forgive me if this chapter isn't the best. Anyway I hope you liked it and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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