By Your Side (Aizawa x Hospitalized Child Reader)

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It happened so fast that I didn't even know what was happening. One minute I was in the forest about to take the test of courage for the training camp. The next I was lying on the ground in pain after trying to save and protect my classmates. Screaming, crying, pain is what I heard and felt during that time.
I passed out after that, only remembering parts of my trip to the hospital.

When I woke up I immediately knew I was in the hospital. I was connected to tubes that went into my hands and arms. I looked myself over to see I was covered with multiple cuts and bruises, my head was bandaged and my leg was in a cast.

Well, could have been worse.

It was only then I felt a warm feeling around my hand. That warm feeling belonged to the hand of my father, Shota Aizawa also known as the Pro Hero Eraserhead.

His head was sitting on the back of the chair, his eyes were closed yet dark bags hung under them worse than usual. He probably hasn't slept well lately. His hair was more messy, clothes were wrinkled and his scarf hung loosely on his shoulders.

I stroke my thumb along the back of his hand, causing his hand to tighten as his eyes to flutter open. He turns his head to look at me and smiles.

"Hey dad" I say. Voice raspy from lack of uses. Dad grabs a glass and fills it with water before handing it to me.

"Small sips alright" he says and I nod in response as I sip the water. I got dad to put the glass back as rest my head and look at him.

"Dad what happened." He sighs, not answer me for a few seconds before turns to me.

"The league of Villains attacked the training camp. Many students were injured because of them and one was kidnapped"

"What who was kidnapped, is everyone else alright"

"Bakugou" my dad said gravelly. I clench at the sheet as dad continues.

"Most of our class were unscathed or had minor injuries, but you Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Hagakure, and Midoryia were all seriously injured from our class. Jirou, Hagakure and you are the only ones still in hospital." Dad explained.

I sat there quiet for a few minutes before asking a few questions of my own.

"How long have I been here"

"A few days, you suffered pretty serious injuries. Broken leg, head laceration and concussion, the poison gas attack also affected you. You got very lucky it wasn't worse" dad squeezed my hand tighter.

"I thought I lost you during that attack, I didn't know where you were or if you were alright, I'm glad your ok though" he said fearful, which was something I never saw with him.

I paused for a seconds. Recalling the terrifying memories of that night. I let out a shaky breath as I look to dad as a tear runs down my face.

"That's funny" I start, a lump in my throat starts to build. "because I thought the same thing, where were you, are you OK, will I see you again. Guess I'm to much like you" I say as tears uncontrollably leave my eyes.

"I was so scared" as soon as the words left my mouth I was wrapped in familiar arms and pulled into a comforting hug.

"I will always be by your side to protect you. Don't ever doubt me (Y/N). I will always protect you." Dad says gently pulling my head to rest on his shoulder

I smile at his unusual behaviour. But I'm not complaining.

"Thanks dad"

A/n: another chapter done. I can't believe this book has gotten over 500 reads. Thanks for the reading it I hoped you enjoyed it so far.

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