It Was Always You (Kaminari x Reader)

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This is a request by Ally_anime

He always looked happy with her. The flirting, the laughing, the looks he always gave her. I knew he liked her though.

I was sitting in class again, staring out the window when I heard Jirou and Kaminari laughing in the front of the classroom. I look at the both of them for a few seconds before turning to look out the window again.

I'd liked Denki now for a while and I thought he liked me to. But he's been spending more and more time with Jirou lately and it had me second guessing myself. I played it like it didn't bother me. Putting on a smile showing everyone that I was fine.

But I wasn't.

On the inside I crumbling a part. My thoughts filled with sorrow. Nights were filled with my silent tears. Why didn't he like me back. In a way I hated Jirou for getting his love. I felt like my heart had been played. I still acted the same, putting on a mask to cover the pain I felt inside.

Why her.

Towards the end of the day I had no energy to have a mask over my emotions. I greeted my friends with a small nod. I had no energy to be my usual happy self so most of the class were concerned. I could tell they were worried, but I didn't care anymore.

The end of the school day came by, rain pouring down from above. I was slowly walking home, my uniform already drenched entirely. Silent tears making there way down my frozen cheeks.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) wait" a familiar voice cried out. I recognize the voice and walk faster to escape it. "(Y/N)" hands grab my shoulders. Turning me around.

"What! What do you want Kaminari" I yell.

"(Y/N), is something wrong, you haven't been yourself today. Is something going on" his words only made my emotions worse.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT'S WRONG" I screamed, causing him to jump back in fright. The tears got worse as I looked away.

"Why her" I whisper. Holding back a sob, turning back to him. "Why did you lead me on and chose her" something flashed in his eyes before he steps closer to me, putting his hand on my cheek.

"I was never with Jirou" he says causing me to lift my head up to look at his face. Rain causing our hair to stick to our faces. "I was going to Jirou for advice on how to ask you out. She's only a friend, your the person I want...

It was always you"

Without thinking I dive into his arms and cry into his chest. The sorrow replaced with happiness. We stood there for a while as the rain continued to fall. I feel Denki brush my hair out of my face before saying

"Let's get out of this rain, before we get sick." With that we walk hand in hand with each other away from school.

A/n: I know this one wasn't the best but I ran out of ideas at the end. They will get better I promise.

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