More Of A Man Than Them (Bakugou x Trans ftm Feader)

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TW For TRANSPHOBIA and panic attacks. If this makes you uncomfortable you are free to skip. Also if there is any terminology that I've mistaken please let me know so I can properly correct it.

You sat at the top of UA's roof during lunch quietly reading a book. Coming up to the roof was a comfort of yours, it was calm, quiet. Away from people. Just the way you liked it.

You were fidgeting with your recently shortened hair as you flicked through the next page. Thoughly enjoying this chapter as the main character had just been kidnapped by the villain, with the love interest about to rescue them. You sigh. Wishing you had a love life like that.

You look up from your book to check your phone. Only 10 more minutes of lunch left before hero training. A class that made you a bit anxious. You had recently begun transitioning to male and had not long been wearing your binder and male uniform to school.

Being allowed to wear the male uniform had been a relatively easy process surprisingly. After a meeting with Principal Nezu and your teacher Mr Aizawa, you had explained your needs and concerns and the Principle had no problem meeting your needs.

You had also explained how you would like your new name to replace your dead name on all school documents, to which was also granted. It had been a pretty positive experience so far all an all which had been good for your mental health. However there had been a few Hickcups everyso often.

Like for one. Some teachers and classmates accidentally dead naming you. Most of the time it was out of old habits and the person would immediately apologise and correct themselves which you really appreciated. But old bullies from middle school that had enrolled in UA and made it their personal mission to constantly harass and dead name you.

You were lucky to have great friends in 1A who would always stand up for you and protect you from said bullies.

Another problem which you were about to face was changing into hero costumes and bathroom breaks. The school were currently in the process of making for Unisex bathroom to be more inclusive for a number for students in the school, however as they were still under construction you had to use the teachers bathroom to help you feel more comfortable.

The bell rang meaning it was time to leave the quiet serenity of the rooftop. You pack away your book and make your way back down stairs. You arrive in class and take your place in your usual seat in the middle.

Most of the class were talking away waiting for Mr Aizawa to arrive. You sat quietly looking out the windows when for friends came up to you.

"Hey (Y/n), you ready for Hero Training today" Kirishima asks nicely.

"Oh Um, yeah ready as I'll ever be" you reply quietly back. Even though you trusted everyone in your class, talking to them sometimes made you anxious. It's not like they'd purposefully be mean to you or anything. It's just the thought that something might happen.

"Hey (Y/n), after school did you wanna come study with Kiri, Denki, Bakugou and I, were having a bit study session if your interested" Mina asked, you look away, your heart fluttered at the mention of Bakugous name.

"Sure, but I don't know how much help I'll be," you reply back.

"Oh you'll be fine. Meet in the living room at 6 ok" Mina says sweetly before walking off to take her seat.

Mr Aizawa walked in moments later, explaining what training was going to be today. He then excused everyone to get dressed, giving you the key to the bathroom. You made your way to the bathroom to get ready.

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