The Actual Final Unexpected Visitor pt 7 (Class 1A x Child Reader)

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At long last the moment you've all been waiting for. The actual ending to Unexpected Visitor.
Guys im so sorry for the long wait between chapters. I've had a lot going on and just haven't had the motivation to do it so let's hope that this chapter makes up for it.

You don't know how many days you were there for but judging by the meals that Nikki kept bring in you say you've been there about 3 days. Nikki also didn't say anything while she came with those meals and you did notice a large bruise on her face. (#StanNikki)

Ivan came every few hours to torment you, even hit you every now and again, you were covered in welts and bruises. Physical and mental exhaustion had you drained and all you could do was lay in bed and cry until you fell asleep.

"Daddy, please save me soon" you whimper.

The door opens harshly as Ivan walks in absolutely furious. He makes a beeline for you as you curl yourself into a corner trying to escape him.

"How come that so called hero of a man you call a father hasn't tried to save you yet. There's not even anything on the news about your disappearance. Looks like where taking things to another level then aren't we" he says as he unlocks your chains for the first time in 3 days and drags you by the hair to another room down the hall.

He forced you to sit in a chair as he blind folds you and ties you up as you shiver in fear. You then here some shuffling before Ivan starts speaking again.

"This is a message for Eraserhead. If you every wanna see your precious daughter again, you'll listen to what I have to say. Otherwise things like this will happen" Ivan says as he slaps you across the face, you cry out in pain.

"Daddy help" Ivan growls at you.

"Now. You'll meet at this address, by yourself tomorrow night at midnight. If you come with company. . . Well let's just say your daughter will be going for a little flight. See you then" Ivan then drags you back to your cell and throws you back in there. Leaving you. All alone.


'Daddy help'. Aizawa stared at the scene in absolute rage. That son of a bitch just hit you and he could already see it swell. Along with the multitude of other injuries on your skin as well. Ivan was going to pay for hurting you.

'You'll meet at the address, by yourself tomorrow night at midnight. If you come with company. . . Well let's just say your daughter will be going for a little flight.'

The boys in the room were silent. Staring at Aizawa waiting for a reaction. But he just sat there and stared at the scene. His baby girl. His everything. Aizawa was going to stop at nothing until you were safe again.

"Whats the plan, Mr Aizawa" Izuku asks.

"We head out tonight. Were going to save her"


You cradle your bleeding arms to your chest as you sit once again on the cold hard bed. He used more force to hurt you this time. To the point where blood was heavily dripping down your arm. Your tears wouldn't stop either. Not matter how many time you tried saying to yourself, be brave, daddy will be here soon. The words just wouldn't stay.

The door opens slowly and immediately you knew it was Nikki. She looks at you with tears in her eyes and walks over with a first aid kit and some food.

"Oh (Y/N), what has he done to you sweetheart." She walks over and gently hugs you. You embrace her back, enjoying the warmth she brang.

"Let's get you cleaned up, shall we, don't want you getting sick now do we" You shook your head no and ate the warm food she offered you. You winced as she cleaned your cuts and bandaged your wounds. But you were greatful for her being here.

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