Dont Hide Things From Me (Shinso x Suicidal Reader)

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This is a request from Cosplay666girl. Sorry its taken so long. Hope you enjoy.
WARNING. THIS CONTAINS SELF HARM. IF THIS EFFECTS YOU PLEASE DONT READ. Please don't self harm there are other ways of coping that don't evolve hurting yourself.

You and Shinso hadn't been dating that long, maybe about 1 months but it already felt like you had been dating him for years. He was so kind and gentle with you and asked your permission for everything. Even asking for a hug.

But even though Shinso made you happy, it was only temporary relief from the torture that was always plaguing your mental state. You were severely depressed lets just say that. You hadn't told Shinso about this nor have you told him about the self harming you do.

You didn't want him to think you were some sort of freak. Which is why you kept it to yourself. You couldn't bare the fact of what would happen if he found out. He'd probably dump you on the spot. So you quietly suffer in silence while a mask was worn over what was truly happening.


For some reason when you woke up this morning you just didn't want to be alive. It seems that your depression had hit you harder today leaving you with the one option that eased it.

You walked into the bathroom and took out your razor locking the door and sitting on the side of the bathtub, the blades slowly deal their stinging blow, cut after cut after cut. Until both of your wrists were littered and bleeding with those scarring marks.

Life had just become so dull that this was the only thing apart from Shinso that gave it meaning. You cleaned it up and wrapped bandages around them, remembering to clean up as Shinso was coming home with you after school and your parents were away on a business trip.

School was a dull as ever, the same thing everyday. Nothing changed. Not one bit.

"Hey (Y/N)" Shinso greeted as he usually would.

"Hey Shinso, how are you" you said in that fake tone.

"I'm good, how about you" he asks. A question you always had to lie on.

"I'm great" you says and internally you cringe at your own lies. Shinso looked at you and seemed to question of you were telling the truth. But kept it to himself. He had suspected that something was going on and that somewhat fake smile only hinted his ideas.

Over the course of the day your mind was getting worse and worse. Until you couldn't take it anymore. You walked to the bathroom during lunch and took out your scissors and started to recut your wrists again. But it didn't seem to help.

You rewarp your wrists and wait for the end bell to finally ring so you could go home and find a way to calm down your mind.

During the day however Shinso has sensed that something was off about you and he intended to find out what that was. Even if it meant using his quirk to find out.


When you got home your hands were shaking, you were anxious, just wanting these thoughts to go away. The cutting wasn't helping and your wrists had yet to stop bleeding. You felt light headed. What could you do.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Signalling that Shinso was here. You quickly gathered yourself together and opened the front door.

"Hey Shinso. Come in"

"Hey (Y/N), thank you" he said walking inside and sitting on the couch.

"Can I get you anything, a drink, something to eat"

"Some water would be nice, thanks" he asked.

"Water coming right up" you reply, going to fetch some water. Just as you go to reach up for a cup your wrists spike in pain, causing you to drop the cup as it shatters on the ground.

"(Y/N), are you alright" Shinso says, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just dropped a cup that's all. I'm fine" your wrists throbbed in pain. This was bad, what happened if Shinso found out.

When you were just about to pick up the glass, you felt a slink sensation moving down your finger. You looked at your hand and your eyes widened at the trail of blood falling from your fingers. The bandages must have leaked. You needed to leave, now.

"Give me a sec." You say. About to run off but Shinso was quick to grab your wrist. Causing to flinch.

"(Y/N) Something is wrong. Tell me what it is. I want to help you."

"Nothing is going on I promise" the biggest lie you have ever told. And Shinso knew it to.

"Then I have no choice" he looks at you.

"Shinso what are you-"

"Tell me what's going on with you. I want the whole truth" he says using his quirk to get you to tell him the truth.

You were stunned, frozen for a moment. He had brainwashed you. Just like he did to Midoyria during the sports festival. Your brain was screaming at you. Dont tell him. He'll leave you. But your mouth had other ideas.

"Ive been depressed and have been self harming myself lately. I cut today because my mind was torturing me" you say. Having no control over what you said.

"Show me your wrists"

Without your consent as well, your hands moved back your sleeves to show the blooded bandages that had been soaked with blood. Shinso then takes your hands and lead you to your bathroom where he cleans and redresses your cuts. All the while you had snapped back into your mindset.

"I bet you hate me now" you ask.

"Why would I hate you for something that you need help with. (Y/N) I would never hate you for something like this." Tears started streaming down your face. He didn't hate you after all. He pulled you into a hug.

"Just promise that you won't hide things from me anymore ok, I want to help you as much as I can" Shinso asks.

"I will, thank you"

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