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*SORRY in advance for any errors. and if u guys dont know how to pronounce her name its Laiyla (Lah-eee-lah) but iyla (eee-lah) for short.


Melo pov


i woke up out of my sleep , and quickly threw the cover off of me . i couldn't sleep for some reason. i reason being i really don't know . but what i do know is that i keep dreaming about her.

she's so pretty and an amazing person and i'm glad i got her back into my life. i thought she was gone. and now that i have a chance again i'm going to do what i have to do to make her mine. before all the boys at school try to snatch her away once they see how she changed her appearance. Even tho it was almost two in the morning i couldn't get her off of my mind. i knew what i had to do.

i went into my bathroom got dressed , and brushed my teeth.after that was done i slipped on some shoes and crept down the stairs where i found zo sleep half way on the couch , i laughed to myself and took a picture posting it on snapchat captioning it "welp i guess he couldn't make it up the stairs."

shaking my head as i left out the front door and jogged down to iyla's house. Once i got to her front door i moved the flower pot and grabbed the extra key unlocking it and putting the key back to where i found it. i didn't bother ringing the door bell or knocking because i knew everyone inside was sleep.

jogging up the stairs quietly , i walked into her room. to hit the cold breeze. i smiled looking at her sleeping wrapped up arms around and pillow in nothing but her bra and underwear. with the cover hanging half way off of her.

thats one thing about her i love. she can only go to sleep when its super cold in her room. she said it helps her sleep better. and i agree with it . I quietly closed her door. and took of my shirt , shoes and sweats leaving me inside my shorts. i walked over to her bed picking the rest of her cover off the floor and moving her giant sleeping pillow out of her hands tossing it on the floor making her jump up quickly. when she looked up and noticed it was me her face soften. and she moved over so i could slide in.

i started doing this half way through the year last year. whenever something happened or i had a lot on my mind i came to her house. at first she used to be shocked and always questioned why i enjoyed her company more than Monroe's or why i felt more comfortable with her.

and.... tbh i never really knew the answer to that question. besides the fact that her house was literally down the street.

once she moved over i slid onto the bed putting the cover on us. watching her tie her braids up so that they didn't get in my face as she laid on top of my chest. i slid my hands under the cover and began to rub her butt slowly. i always did this since i knew it made her go to sleep faster. after about 5 seconds her body was no longer stiff. i could tell she was trying to get used to my touch again. she then started to rub my hair knowing that made me knock out .

i smiled and laid my head on her's before falling asleep.



Laiyla pov

i woke up in arms, and almost started to scream until i looked up and blonde curly hair flew in my eyes. i realized it was melo. then it all started to come back to me . he had came over last night. i stayed in the position i was in while rubbing his stomach for a few minutes since her doesn't like when i move. Last year i try to get out the bed one time and he pulled me by my arm slamming me on the bed, then climbing on top of me so i couldn't move until he was ready to get up.

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