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Laiyla POV 

-The Next Day-


Today has been a weird day, roe is barely answering my text, and she's like my best friend , so my whole day has been kinda off, plus she didn't come to school today. gelo has been trying to speak to her but she wont answer. he said the last time he talk to her was yesterday right after school,after that he said her and melo was on face time all night. which is normal since they act like brother and sister.

i've only gotten a couple of text back here and there , nothing major and all short and straight to the point which is urking me because she knows i hate that shit.

but from what i heard from gelo, what ever her and melo talk about last night on the phone has him pissed. melo's been acting out all day. he said that ever time he brings roe up melo gets mad or gets annoyed , so we know that clearly what ever they spoke about last night was bothering him. gelo also told me that he apologized to that Izzy girl and that them two are friends now. she spoke to me this morning she seems like a really cool girl,  which kinda makes me feel bad for pouring a drink on her.

she sat with us at lunch today, being that gelo is dating my best friend i was happy that izzy didn't try to flirt with him in anyway, and kept things casual. even made a couple of joke with the group here and their , most of them having us dying in laughter. she's laid back that what i like about her. melo doesn't seem annoyed by her so that's a good thing. which is kind of strange because normally he would want izzy no where near gelo being that he is dating roe , and melo loves roe like a sister so he's always watching out for her. i was honestly expecting him to be rude to her , but he wasn't and i was cool with it because she hand't don anything wrong anyway. so i wasn't tripping.


the last bell had just wrong and everyone was in the halls trying to throw shit into their locker and head to a bus or a near by car. i had told izzy bye and walked over to gelo's car. since me him and melo all rode together today. as  got in i spoke being that i was in a good mood. and wanted to share my positive vibes.

IYLA: so how was you guy's day?

u spoke as gelo backed out of  the parking spot.

GELO: it was pretty good, just wished roe was here, she won't even answer my text i don't know what i did wrong.

MELO: maybe it's not you who did something wrong.

melo huffed in a annoyed tone, causing me to raise up my eyebrows and scrunch up my nose.

IYLA: whats that supposed to mean?

MELO: you know what , how about we go stop by roe's house ........ you know to check up on her and make sure she's good.

gelo nodded and we rode in silence.

when we pulled up to rose house only her car was in the drive way, meaning her dad was at work. melo was the first to get out with this huge grin on his face. i could tell he was up to something.

gelo got out with a confused face watching his little brother rush over to the front door, he let out a sigh and we followed melo.

instead of knocking melo just walked straight inside yelling "AYYE"

the house was silent. then we heard someone throwing up. me and gelo ran towards the downstairs bathroom. where we found roe hunched over the toilet throwing up. melo stood in the door way behind me and gelo, he began clapping loud and slowly causing roe to jump. thats when she noticed us all standing there. her eyes went bucked, it was like she had literally seen  a ghost.

"are you okay love" gelo said as he went to reach her but melo jumped and grabbed gelo's hand smacking it away.


i yelled which only caused him to role his eyes 

MELO: ask roe 

she said looking at her.

me and gelo looked over at roe she had tears coming down her cheeks.

GELO: baby whats wrong?

ROE: nothing baby i'm oka-

before she could finish melo cut her off in a harsh voice saying

MELO: nah roe tell them...

IYLA: tell us what?

gelo looked back at melo and roe shook her head fast as if she was telling melo to stop.

ROE: melo no please , i thought i could trust y-

melo cut her off again this time he yelled...


she started crying hard, chocking out the words "I cant"

then melo spoke ..."bet."

MELO: you know how she went out of town to visit her mom or whatever right?

ROE: melo!!! STOP.

MELO: she cheated gelo, she had sex with some nigga how lived in her mom's neighbor hood, and now she pregnant.

IYLA: wait! WHAT

i was shocked , i looked over at roe and she was sobbing, when i looked back at gelo he was staring down at his shoes with his hands clenched.

ROE: gelo baby i'm so sorry.

she tried to grab his hand but she moved away and mugged her. she would be dead if looks could kill.

ROE: iyla PLEASE! tell me your not mad at me too, i can't deal with you not speaking to me.

i looked at her shocked before i spoke.

IYLA: i'm ss-sorry roe but i just can't, you barely spoke to me all day, then on top of that you told MELO!! OVER ME!  i was supposed to be your fucking best friend. you told me all the time last year to watch out and not to catch feelings for melo because of him and his hoes and then you go and do this to gelo?!!

i shook my head looking down at her, i grabbed gelo hand and walked off back towards the front door, melo shook his head at her before following us. 

when we got to the ball residence gelo got out going straight into his room, locking the door. he wouldn't come out. yet alone speak to us. so i called the one person i knew who could help us get him out of this mood.

IYLA: hello.... hi ... izzy , it's about gelo.... he needs you.


it's been 2 days since what happened. and no one has spoken to roe. she's been blowing up me and gelo's phone.

melo blocked  her on everything , i could tell he is hurting to , because she was like the sister he never had. he claims that he hates her now and wants nothing to do with her. apparently she is no longer welcomed at the ball house. yesterday i saw her talking to Abel in the hallway i wanted to punch the shit outta her because she know's how i feel about her. once she saw me she tried to come talk to me but i just shook my head and walked away. Me and izzy are closer now. shes such a sweat girl. as for Zo's girlfriend Braelyn, me and her are like sisters, she's like my new bestfriend. i love her so much  . this weekend we're all going to get together at my house o hang out then go to the mall. today is friday  i just have one more period until the day is over thank god. today has been really peaceful.

in my class now working on a group project, i hope this period goes by fast.

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