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Melo POV

it was lunch time and i was in the jump shooting hoops. i never really ate at the table with the crew anymore. i felt bad for what i did to iyla , and it was starting to become weird being around her and not speaking, but it was all my fault. 

i kind of blow everything out of proportion. i could see why everyone was upset with me. but it was just . i was so tired of people lying to me you know? like for goodness sake roe was supposed to be my sister and she did the worst betrayal to my brother. and although it effected him more than me. it just hurt that when i first asked her whats wrong she lied to me multiple times before finally coming clean.

and it wasn't the fact that iyla had been hanging out with roe and looking after her. it was more so the fact that she tried to lie to me about it . Like i don't like roe but i would have understood where iyla was coming from all she had to say with that she was looking after her or something you know? why lie to me why am i always getting lied to.

thats one thing that drove me and iris apart . she constantly lied when it came to thinks which eventually drove us and our relationship down a dark path. Iyla never knew the real reason why me and iris broke up and was on bad terms, but roe did so for her to lie to me about something so serious is why i have some what of a hatred towards her. i know that what roe did was wrong and even though i don't show it. i still love roe deep down inside. because she's been like the sister i never had. i just hate that things had to happen this way.

I only started hanging out with abel to try to get iyla to see where i was coming from you know? like she went behind my back to hang with roe with out saying anything. she wasn't really obligated to . but she lied about it which makes it seem like she was hiding secrets or something . you know?

I didn't lead abel on or anything though. I told her straight up that i wanted to hang with her to make iyla mad. Don't get me wrong Abel is a pretty young lady but she isn't my type . i still believe that iyla is my everything. but she's in her feelings and doesn't see where i was coming from.  and of course everyone was on her side.. 

i figured we just needed a little breather , like just some time apart to focus on each other. Maybe that would help us realize how much we really need each other. well at least that what i thought. but lately she's been hanging out with don more and posting snaps with this guy that i'm not really sure i've ever seen around before . but i hope that she still thinks of me.

as i went up for a 3-pointer , i flicked my wrist into the air as the ball went through the net. smiling a little. I grabbed my rebound and was about to go up for another 3 when someone tapped my shoulder i turned around to see Abel. which made me instantly roll my eyes.

I told her two days ago that we didn't need to hang out anymore because i was done with that plan and that i was just gonna give iyla some space. Abel took that as me saying im single for the moment. she tried to flirt with me but i shut that down quickly she threw this huge fit about how iyla doesn't deserve me and that she does and she doesn't understand why i wont just let me go... you know blah blah.

all that other bullshit. Another reason why i don't find Abel attractive s because she is extremely naggy . for no reason. like i really don't know why she never shuts up. not to mention the way she dresses. She's not as thick as iyla but she does have a little body. she is a little bit too revealing for my liking. Iyla never walks around with her ass all out. 

i took in Abels appearance and almost threw up in my mouth while sliding my beats by dre's off.

i took in Abels appearance and almost threw up in my mouth while sliding my beats by dre's off

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(Abel's outfit)

"What" i said taking out my phone pausing my music. and siting the ball on the floor in between my legs so it wouldn't role away.

ABEL: so... there's like another 20 minutes until lunch ends you wanna ride with me to go get some food?

MELO: nah im good 

i said reaching for my ball until she started talking again.

ABEL: okay cool, well maybe we could just hang out after school. maybe go watch a movie of something.

i rolled my eyes getting annoyed at the fact that she was trying to make plans with me even tho i told her  we wouldn't be hanging out anymore.


she threw her hands in the air getting frustrated.

ABEL:  what the hell melo , you never want to hang out anymore. like why!!?

she said getting aggy asf like she always is . i instantly got mad slamming my ball on the court floor making her jump back some.

MELO: listen abel i told you already. i don't like you okay. i never will. you are not my type okay. when will you get that through your thick ass head.


MELO: first off watch your fucking mouth . second off don't ever call her a bitch. and yes i'm still on her because i  love her. and anything that i have ever done with you was a mistake.

i said calmly making her tear up.

ABEL: please melo you don't mean that. i know that deep down inside you really like me too.

she said grabbing on to my arm trying to rub my chest. at this point i was fighting her off of my be this bitch had some type of death hold on a nigga arm.

???: AYE bitch back up off my bro what the fuck.

we both jumped apart and looked over to see Don standing there. he looked really mad so i put my hands up in the air hella quick.

MELO: bro don i swear we wasn't doing anything. it's not what it look like.

Abel smirked.

ABEL: melo baby stop lying it's just don we don't have to hide it from him.

She said causing my eyes to go buck and look over at don who was just shaking his head chuckling.

DON: nah hoe see i been here for a minute long enough to hear him say he doesn't want you. now melo might not hit a girl because he has basket ball and to much to lose, but i'll beat your ass if you keep messing with my sister nigga.

he said causing her face to drop. i started laughing and she ran out the gym. don walked up to me dapping me up.

MELO: thanks man , i didn't expect you to do that i thought you hated me.

DON: nah man never plus i know that you could be sensitive some time , so u ignoring iyla is normally to me, plus she really loves you bro. everyone think we on something but we just close. i see her as a sister and she see's me as a brother melo. i know you guys are made for each other.

after he said that we bro hugged. i couldn't believe this i really thought i had lost iyla to him. Don is the real definition of family , this nigga loyal he bro for life i swear.

MELO: what caused you to come in here anyway?

DON: because , it's starting to feel at lunch with out you around . i'm not really used to it, i actually came looking to see if you wanted to play a quick game before lunch ends.

MELO: bet lets go. thats all you had to say finna be taking all types of ankles.

i said laughing causing him to laugh , he threw has bag and phone down on the side line. and i pushed my beats and phone over towards my bag and we started our game.




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