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Melo POV.

i woke up with Iyla on my chest the cover hanging on our bodies. we went at it for a while last night. gosh i really love this girl. sad to say i no longer think she feels the same.

i played with her hair as she stirred around in her sleep.

i really miss being with her and i'd give anything to get her laid up under me every night like this.

i didn't even realize i was in a day dream until she started kissing all over my face.

Iyla: what you thinking about baby boy

Me: um... none.

i said hella quick i didn't want her to know i was being soft for her. i wasn't even sure if she'd ever give me the time of day again.

she gave me a strange look before sitting up putting her hands on my chest. making the cover fall down to her hips revealing her boobs to me as she sat leg on each side of me.

Iyla: you don't have to lie to me you know, i really care for you

Me: yeah its just a lot on my mind and i guess i don't know how to express it.

Iyla: okay well how bout you just sit and let it out to me. but first round two.

she said while bouncing on my slowly making me grunt.

gosh i love this girl. i thought while grabbing her hips.


Laiyla POV.

i was at chilli's with melo since we have nun better to do. thanks to him im walking with a little limp but i'll be Fine LMAOOOOOOO.

we sat at the table as the lady took our orders. she was staring at melo hard. i know i said that maybe we should just be friends but..... i still feel as if he is the love of my life.

she smirked at him as he ordered he smiled back at her, doing the little things with his eyebrows that always makes people laugh and of course she laughed. i laughed super hard being all extra and grabbed his hand from across the table. 

causing them both to stop and look at me with shocked faces.

she stood up straight before speaking.

Waiter: i'll be right back with ur food.

she said before walking away quickly . i mugged watching her walk all the way back to the kitchen.

melo spoke up making me turn in his direction.

Melo: you know all i want is i never understood why you get jealous.

i blushed. even though we are not together he always said things like this to me. that made me feel so good.

Iyla: sorry i just.... well i don't know what happen.

i said hiding  my face and drinking my drink.

Melo: it's cool i would feel the same way if you  was just in your guts like and hour ago , so ik what you mean.

i gasped chocking on my drink. making him laugh as our food was being placed in front of us but this time buy a guy who was clearly looking straight down my shirt.

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