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Laiyla POV:

I woke up and looked down at my phone 5:30am. I guess I'll get up and get ready, the movies was so much fun with my dad last night. I forgot how silly he was, at least I know where I get that trait from tho. It was fun to see him not stressing about work and enjoying himself .

I got up and got in the shower, I sat in deep thought while washing....  I wonder what melo's up too. I mean I sent him pics for the first time yesterday and he blew up my phone. I still have yet to reply. Can be that amazing tho right? Like he sees me  naked all the time.

Knowing him he's still sleep.

After showering and brushing my teeth. I washed my face and got dressed, putting m hair into a bun. Then grabbing my lipgloss keys and phone. I'm sure my dad was knocked out. I think I'll bring him home some dinner today.

I left out the house with my book bag on jogging down the street to Melos. I knocked on the door hoping someone was up and guess who came to the door. ZO

ME: omg bros home!!!!

I smiled hugging him. He hugged me back laughing,

ZO: yeah just for a few days tho.
He messed up my hair as I walked in causing me to groan and walk up the stairs straight to below room.

As I walked in he was on FaceTime with Izzy with his phone pointed towards the dresser going through stuff.
GELO: this one?

He said lifting up some lipgloss.
IZZY: nooooo baby the one I wear all the time the one u said u like the smell.
GELO: ohhh! This one?

He said lifting a different one up causing her to laugh.
IZZY: omg gelo nooo not that one.

I laughed causing gelo to jump and look at me turning the camera my way.
IZZY: omg iyla can u help me, I dont even know how my lipgloss got stuck his house.

I laughed walking up to him and began going thru all the lipglosses until I found the one I thought was right. Holding it up towards the camera.

ME: this one?
IZZY: yes .. finally

Gelo smacked his lips before snatching it out my hand
GELO: I knew that

He said mushing my head causing me to laugh.

I shook my head walking across the hall towards Melos room I walked in and covered my nose. It smelled strongly on "boy".

Pulling my spray out my back pack, I began to spray the air, causing him to wake up and groan.
MELO: bae stop, got my room smelling like a bitch.
I smacked his head before turning on his room light.

ME: shut up and get ready how everyone awake but you.

He got up taking off his Durag and began to brush his waves.

MELO: shit I'm tired dad had us doing all types of drills yesterday. Got my body sore.

I bent down and began rubbing his knee while he got on his phone.
MELO: so we gone talk about them pictures you sent? Or u just gonna keep acting like it didn't happen

I smirked sticking my tongue out and stood up dancing around the room. Causing him to chuckle and shake his head.he kissed my forehead before walking into his bathroom and getting ready. His phone vibrated so I picked it up seeing he had a DM.

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