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Melo POV

I was at school in 5th period and was starting to get annoyed. Abel has been acting weird all day , but when ever iyla shows up she starts acting right. right now i was in the back of the classroom texting iyla , every now and then i'd start laughing at how she was cracking jokes and tryna roast me in our convo.

i started snickering while the teacher was teaching, Then i felt someone rub my knee, i looked up and saw Abel's thirsty ass, she was looking right into my soul. I smacked my lips before popping her hand.

Melo: why the fuck are you touching me.

Abel: melo why are you acting so weird today, i thought we was best friends.

Melo: what the fuck are you talking about nigga you ain't my best friend. and don't let iyla or eli hear you say that, you know damn well eli is my best friend. Plus i only started hanging out again because i felt bad about what happened. Plus iyla would kill me if she thought me and you were close at all.

Abel: whatever fuck that whore.

she said causing roe to snap her head around so fast.

Melo: i already did that, but you should know that, i mean i did call you her during ... ...  let me stop.

roe started dying laughing, Abel mugged me.

Melo: handle my light weight roe.

 i said that and roe bucked at Abel who jumped turning back to face the teacher.


fifth period ended and me and roe was walking to find gelo and iyla , Abel was following me whining about how i barely showed her any attention today. Which wasn't my problem she wasn't my girl.

walking further into the hall crowded with kids ready to go home, i heard roe yell "mejor amiga!" . i knew she said "BEST FRIEND!"

i'm used to that phrase by now since her and iyla spoke in Spanish much over the years.  i had recently forgot that roe even spoke Spanish.

i whipped my head around seeing my baby. she looked really good today. she was wearing all white jeans that had cuts down the leg, with a caramel colored sweater that fit her nicely she had on a all gold necklace that said "love". and some gold earrings with some tan puma creepers.

they hugged each other while i took in all of her beauty. while they were talking Abel stepped in front of me speaking.

Abel: what do you see in her?! , i mean really.

Melo: she's pretty , not annoying. supports me . fucks me good and my family loves her. she's everything i need.

Abel: but im pretty, and im sure your family likes me , plus i support you.

more like stalk , i said in my head , i couldn't believe she showed up to my AAU gameand no one knew. i started shaking my head at her.

Melo: okay.... so? what are you trying to say.

Abel: that it should be me with you and not her. i mean we all know that i fucked you good too.

" yea so good that he moans out my name" iyla said coming up in front of Abel kissing me causing Abel to mug her.

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