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Laiyla POV :

I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing, i groaned looking around my room until i found my phone halfway dead, on the floor by my bed.  My head was killing me i had got in late last night since it was a Friday and the gang all wanted to hang out together.

I picked it up looking at the time it was 10:50am. Reading the screen read "Melly". I groaned there is no way in hell melo was up on a Saturday morning before 12.

I put the phone to my ear . "Yes baby?".

Melo: hey babe can you come with me to the store i dont know if was something that we ate last night but me and so are sick and i need to buy medicine, gelo didn't wanna get sick so he dipped to Izzy's house. And ion know what medicine to get because my mom normally gets it.

I signed before answering.

Me: so you'd rather get me sick too then just making gelo drop some medicine off?

He groaned and began coughing.


Me: okay fine I'lol be outside in 10 minutes.

I got up going to the bathroom brushing my hair into a bun, the walked over to my closet grabbing some all grey leggings and throwing on a long sleeve supreme shirt and all white slide on vans. Before grabbing my phone and putting it on low battery mode. I walked back into the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face then i went too grab my car keys off my dresser.... but decent against it since i never drive the pink car pops gave me for my birthday, I'll just drive that today.

I ran down the stairs and walked towards the garage door about to grab the keys off the key ring since i keep them there being a Barely drive it. But they weren't there. I scrunched up my face looking around the floor thinking that maybe they fell but I couldn't find them. WDF??

I turned around about to walk back upstairs when i said irelynne in the kitchen eating whatever she had at the table. I rolled my eyes at the thought of her still being here.

I jogged up the stairs to my pops room seeing the door was cracked, i knocked before walking in finding him on the bed watching ESPN.

He smiled when he saw me.

Pops: hey love bug what's up?
Me: hey pops i was just about to take my car for a ride when i realized my keys were missing.
Pops: OH! Yes check on the nightstand right there, your mother drove it to the store like 2 days ago i guess she forgot to put the keys back.

I was halfway across the room when he said that and i froze before turning around to look at him

Me: wait she drove my car?
I said with my eyes furrowed.
Pops: yeah she said she needed to go to the store i told her to take mine but she insisted that she take yours saying she wasn't sure if i was gonna need to leave and that she didn't know how long it would take her. I told her to ask just to make sure but she said you wouldn't mind. I guess you too have been getting along well.

He said smiling, i went to speak but then thought against it and just sent him a slight smile before grabbing my keys and walking out the room.

I know she fucking didn't. I barely drive that car its so expensive and i wanted to make sure it stays in good condition there's no telling where she was with it " the store" my ass. Driving around in my shit acting like she living some type of fairy tale lifestyle.

I walked down the stairs and stood in the door way of the kitchen and watched her continue to eat as if she didn't feel my presence then i spoke.

Me: Irelynne....
I said calming calling her by her first name and she decided to keep eating and act like she didn't hear me. So i nodded my head before walking up to the table swiping everything off it. Causing her to jump back in shock.

Ctrl.  (Lamelo Ball story.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant