EXTRA #02 - Sonic & Friends: Sticks x Dave!?

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



I ship Sticks the Badger and Dave the Intern from Sonic Boom as a couple because I think they could get along... And for other reasons that I'm too lazy to put on here. I want to know everyone's opinion on this.



Tails: Well, that is just... weird.

Sonic: Sticks and Dave? Together? Just what is the world coming to?

Shadow: I know, right? I mean, what kind of person ships a crazy, whack-job badger, and an employee with terrible people skills?

Amy: Well, everyone can ship with whoever they want these days.

Knuckles: (teasingly) Oh, so it's okay for people to ship you with Eggman?

Amy: (pulls out her hammer) Don't push it!

Knuckles: (scared) S-sorry!

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