DARE #83 - Sonic & Friends: Realistic Counterparts

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: water-melon69



I dare them all to meet their realistic counterparts. (i.e., Cream meets a real-life rabbit, Tails meets a real-life fox, the hedgehogs meet a real-life hedgehog, etc.)



Knuckles: Uh, what?

[They noticed a bunch of animals heading towards them, and a rabbit lands on Cream's lap.]

Cream: (pets the rabbit) Aww, it's so cute! I'm so lucky to be a rabbit!

[A fox tries to attack the rabbit, but Tails restrains it.]

Tails: Sorry, Cream! You know how foxes likes to eat rabbits!

Cream: Oh, it's alright, Tails!

[Meanwhile, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were petting three hedgehogs.]

Silver: Jeez, it's like petting a pincushion.

Shadow: Well, what did you expect? Hedgehogs are like a bunch of moving pincushions.

Sonic: Right, I knew that.

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