DARE #42 - Tails: A Contaminated Dare!?

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TO: Miles "Tails" Power

FROM: XxCrossoverWorldsxX



I have a dare for Tails. I dare you to create a machine that'll make Sonic get COVID-19 for the next twenty pages, and nobody must interfere with reversing it! Also, this version of COVID-19 I want you to give to Sonic will not be contagious at all, so only he will have it.



Sonic and Tails: (shocked) What!?

Amy: Is this person out of his mind or something!?

Tails: Uh-uh, there's no way I'm making Sonic get the virus!! I-it's not right!!

Blaze: Okay, okay, let's not panic! The faster that this is all over, the better.

Tails: (groans) I'm so sorry about this, Sonic.

Sonic: (sighs) Do what you must.

[Tails made some adjustments to a ray gun, and blasts it at Sonic, causing him to get the virus.]

Knuckles: Well, how do you feel, Sonic?

Sonic: (feeling weak) Never... better.

Tails: (groans) I'll never forgive myself for this.

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