QA #84 - Doctor Eggman: The Forgotten Henchmen

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TO: Doctor Eggman

FROM: water-melon69



To Eggman: What happened to Scratch, Grounder, Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun? Did you recycle them to make new robots, or are they stored away somewhere? Wait, is Bokkun even a robot? Because he can eat, drink, and have more complex emotions than the others. Not to mention he looks organic... I don't need sleep, I need answers!



Dr. Eggman: Oh, them? They're all stored away, well, except for Bokkun. And I'm not sure whether or not if I'm gonna bring them back or not. And yes, Bokkun is a robot, but somehow, he somehow manages to eat and drink just fine. I'm not sure how's that possible.

Bokkun: Yep. (takes a bite out of a slice of pizza) It's one of the franchise's biggest mysteries.

Dr. Eggman: (sighs, then facepalms)

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