DARE #37 - Triple S: An Eggs-tordinary Prank

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TO: Sonic, Shadow, and Silver the Hedgehog

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



A dare for the Triple S. Silver, I want you to do an atomic wedgie on Eggman with your powers, and Sonic and Shadow has to blow up his base while Silver's doing his work.



[They all had evil grins on their faces.]

Sonic: Best.

Shadow: Dare.

Silver: Ever!!!

[They all ran out of the room. Meanwhile, Silver was sneakily flying behind Eggman in his Egg Mobile, and uses his psychokinesis to give him an atomic wedgie.]

Dr. Eggman: Ahh!!! What the hell!?

[Eggman was rapidly flying everywhere while Silver was recording him on his phone. Meanwhile, Sonic and Shadow were at Eggman Land.]

Sonic: (looking at the base from a building with Shadow on the phone) Okay, Shadow, fire!!

Shadow: (inside the base) Got it. (starts glowing red) Chaos... Blast!!!

[Shadow uses Chaos Blast to blow up the inside of his base.]

Sonic: (thumbs up) Perfect!

Silver: (flies towards Sonic) Guys, quick, Eggman's coming!

Shadow: (on Sonic's phone) Okay.

[Shadow teleports next to Sonic and Silver and they all watched Eggman fly towards his base.]

Dr. Eggman: (flies inside) Geez, what was that all about? I must've been stuck to something on the seat. (notices his base and gasps) What the hell happened to my base!?

[Sonic and Silver were laughing while Shadow was smirking.]

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