QA #51 - Sonic & Friends: Facts About OCs

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: Winxlunar



Did you guys know that some of my OCs are dating? The pairs are...

Hemera x Ares - Hemera always keeps Ares calm to make sure he doesn't do anything dumb.

Pearl x Hestien - (Water x Fire) Hestien has a pure heart, which got him with Pearl.

Athena x Apollo - Athena is calm and smart to rein in Apollo from doing anything dumb. The rest are single.

And Hades x Aphrodite - Aphrodite always tries to steal the Great Moonstone from Hades, but Hades makes sure she doesn't. And they both have crushes on each other, but they don't see it.

Artemis is a cursed soul, and she also has the ability to turn others into wolf mobians when her eyes are purple, so she wears a bandanna to hide them in case they turn purple. She was once friends with a human named Luke, but they both died in a cave in, and she was returned as a ghost by Hades, but became flesh and blood instead. Hephaestus has a crush on her, but Artemis always stays by herself to make sure that she doesn't hurt anyone. Apollo is her twin brother, but they both have a bad relationship with each other. Their parents sent Apollo to a military school, and they've put a lot of pressure on Artemis ever since. She's been kind of cold-hearted to her brother, but they're both trying to fix their sibling bond.



Tails: Wow, this is long!

Amy: But let's just answer it, anyway.

Everyone: No, we didn't.

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