DARE #69 - Sonic & Friends: The Children of Power

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



I dare all the Sonic characters (except for Silver) to read chapter one of my "The Children of Power" book and to react to it as well. And also predict what'll happen next.



Knuckles: (sarcastically) Great. We're back to these again.

Amy: (starts reading the book) Let's just read it and-- Oh, my Gaia, it's dark!

Tails: A ransacked house? A dead body!? This book must have some real dark drama written all over it!

Sonic: How about we read more of it and see if it's gets better.

Knuckles: Fine.

[Time Card: 18 Minutes Later.]

Tails: Well, that book was something.

Sonic: Yeah, why was Silver a baby? And who were those Joey and Melody people.

Amy: I don't know. But that book was okay.

Knuckles: Hm. I guess.

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