QA #75 - Sonic & Friends: Regrets

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: Shadowfan2008



Hi again! I've got another question for the Sonic gang. What's everyone's biggest regret?



Sonic: My biggest regret was when I knocked that shell out Eggman's hands back on the Lost Hex. Because of me, the Deadly Six almost drained our planet dry.

Tails: Well, I tried to tell you, but you didn't listen!

Sonic: (chuckles nervously) Sorry about that.

Tails: Hmm, I'm not sure if I have any regrets.

Knuckles: Well, for me, it was obviously all those times Eggman tricked me! Ugh!! Why am I so damn gullible!?

Sonic: Calm down, Knux. Calm down.

Amy: And as for me, mine is obviously all those times I keep mistaking anyone for Sonic! I thought that Shadow was Sonic, I thought that Silver was Sonic, and I didn't even know that was Sonic when he was a werehog!

Tails: Well, nobody was born perfect.

Knuckles: Hm. True.

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