EXTRA #05 - Sonic & Friends: It's Shaving Time!

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: Winxlunar



Since my OCs are getting bored, my OCs Apollo, Athena, Hades, Hestien, Ares, Hemera, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Pearl can now cut Scourge's quills off, and to also sell them or make winter gear out of them.



Scourge: What!? But I haven't done anything wrong since she made Rosy kiss me!! This is totally unfair!!

Knuckles: (looks outside the window) Well, you better hurry, Scourge, they're coming in.

Scourge: Oh, crap!!

[Scourge ran out of the room. But then, everyone heard him scream as the OCs were shaving his quills off. Then a few seconds later, Scourge walks back into the room all quill-less, and everyone was laughing at him.]

Scourge: Lucky for me, it'll grow back.

Sonic: So, did you learn your lesson?

Scourge: (groans) Yes.

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