DARE #62 - Triple S: The 100 Cartwheel Challenge

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TO: Sonic, Shadow, and Silver the Hedgehog

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



I dare the Triple S to try and do 100 cartwheels in a row non-stop.



Shadow: Pfft. Easy.

[Time Card: 15 Minutes Later.]

[Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were doing cartwheels while Tails was keeping score.]

Tails: 97... 98... 99... 100! You guys did it! You all did 100 non-stop cartwheels!

[They all stopped and took a rest.]

Silver: (rests his head) Phew. That was a lot of cartwheels.

Sonic: Yeah, tell me about it.

Shadow: Well, it was easy for me.

Sonic: Of course, it was.

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