QA #71 - Sonic: Multiple Timelines Into One

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



Sonic, if the entire media, games, movies, and more were all on one single timeline, what would be the first thing on the timeline, and what would be the last? For me, I think it would start with Sonic movie, and end with Sonic Boom. But I want to know what you think.



Sonic: Wow. Everything into one single timeline, huh?

Silver: Yeah. So, what would be the first and last thing on it?

Sonic: Well, for the first part, it's obviously my adventure in Sonic 1. That's where everything began.

Shadow: Okay, and for the last part?

Sonic: Hmm, that one's a toughie... But you know what? Let's just go with the latest moment in the IDW comics for now.

Silver: Fair enough.

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