QA #29 - Sonic & Friends: An In-Common Reaction

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



Hello to the Sonic Team! Could you all please read my dares from my "Random Sonic X, Boom or anything related" book?



Sonic: Let's see, the first dare in this book are us reading that "Secrets and Genders" book.

Knuckles: Why am I not surprised?

Tails: The second dare states me building a machine which turned Sonic into a girl, and he and Shadow had to... kiss each other for a whole minute!? What!?

[Sonic and Shadow both had dark auras shrouding them.]

Amy: Are you guys okay?

Shadow: (angrily) Let's move on!

Blaze: Okay, okay. The next dare states... (confused) Boom Silver and I kissing?

Silver: Huh? There's no Boom version of us.

Sonic: People can dream, Silver.

Tails: And the last dare in this book is Sonic and I looking at artwork from another book.

Knuckles: Heh. Seems like a simple dare.

Blaze: Well, it's sorta like the dares we always get.

Amy: True.

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