EXTRA #06 - Tails & Shadow: Mints & Lavender

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TO: Miles "Tails" Prower and Shadow the Hedgehog

FROM: water-melon69



*gives Tails a box of mint candy and a membership card* Here you go, Tails! It's a lifelong membership to one of the world's largest mint candy factories. Just show that card to someone in the building and you basically get a lifetime supply of any mint candy of your choosing. It's the least I can do for asking weird and somewhat dark questions. Also, Shadow, is it true that you smell like lavender?



Dr. Eggman: Oh, brother.

Tails: Aww, thanks!

Sonic: (snatches the box and card away from Tails) Gimme that!

Tails: What the--!? H-hey, give that back!!

Sonic: Uh-uh! We are not going through another mint frenzy again!

Shadow: Sonic, Tails' obsession with mints is just like your obsession with chili dogs.

Sonic: E-excuse me!?

[Tails snatches the box and card back from Sonic.]

Tails: Ha-ha!

Shadow: And yes, I do smell like lavender.

Dr. Eggman: You mean to tell us that all this time you've been wearing perfume?

Shadow: What!? No!! They have it on men's cologne.

Sonic: Right.

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