DARE #85 - Sonic & Friends: A Galactic Experience

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



To Everyone: Can you guys breathe in space? Because In Sonic X, you didn't need a space tank or something, you just stood there talking normally. If yes, I dare you all to launch Sonic into space for 24 hours and let us see if he survives. If no, I dare Tails to make a machine that can make everyone breathe in space, and then later, launch Sonic as the one above.



Amy: Well, yes, we can breathe in space. And it's sort of lucky that we don't have to worry about oxygen up there.

Tails: Yep. And now it's time to launch Sonic into space!

[Sonic was in the rocket.]

Sonic: Let's do it!

Knuckles: Three!

Amy: Two!

Tails: One!

Tails, Knuckles, and Amy: Blast off!!!

[The rocket was now launched into space.]

Knuckles: And now we wait.

[Time Card: 24 Hours Later.]

[The rocket was heading towards Earth and it landed on the roadway. Sonic walks out of it.]

Tails: So how was space, Sonic?

Sonic: It was nice.

Amy: Good.

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