DARE #32 - Sonic & Friends: A 30-Hour Awakening

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



For the whole gang. Stay awake for 30 hours and see what happens afterwards.



Silver: Okay, here we go.

[Time Card: 30 Hours Later.]

Blaze: (walks into the room) Guys, why are there empty coffee cups in the hall... way?

[Blaze notices everyone either going crazy or feeling tired.]

Sonic: (runs around the room) I need to sleep!!! I need to sleep!!! I need to sleep!!! I need to sleep!!! I need to sleep!!!

Blaze: Uh, you guys know it's been past 30 hours, right?

[Everyone stops what they're doing and fell asleep.]

Blaze: (sighs)

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