QA #17 - Shadow: Cute Little Shadow

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TO: Shadow the Hedgehog

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



I was looking up pictures of you, Shadow, and my sister saw them and said, and I quote: "Cute Little Shadow." And we both burst out laughing, and then I wanted to know your reaction to this. So, what's your reaction to the quote, "Cute Little Shadow," Shadow the Hedgehog?



Shadow: (blushes) Well... I... uh... It's... well... um...

Rouge: Come on, Shadow. Say it.

Shadow: Hmph! It's... really appealing that one of my fans find me cute, and I feel very... pleased about it.

E-123 Omega: Aww, someone looks embarrassed.

Shadow: Shh... shut up!!

[Rouge and Omega were giggling.]

Shadow: It's not funny!!!

Rouge: Whatever you say.

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