DARE #71 - Sonic & Friends: The "O" Challenge

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



I dare all the Sonic characters to try and say ''o'' for as long as they can. For the first one to stop, I will decide something for him/her later. And the last one to stop will have one of their wishes come true.



Amy: Okay, here we go.

[Everyone started to say "o" for as long as they can.]

[Time Card: Ten Minutes Later.]

[Everyone was still saying "o."]

Blaze: (stops) Oww, it hurts!

Sonic: (also stops) Yep, I feel the pain.

Amy: (also stops) Okay, my mouth is as dry as a bone.

Tails: (also stops) Looks like Knuckles and Shadow are still going.

[Shadow and Knuckles were still saying "o." But then all of the sudden, a fly started to enter Shadow and he was coughing and spitting quickly.]

Shadow: Ohh, stupid fly!

Knuckles: (stops) Yes!! I win!!

Tails: Nice job, Knuckles.

Knuckles: Thank you, thank you. (secretly feels the pain in his jaw) Ow...

Sonic the Hedgehog - Questions & Answers (Part Deux)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon