DARE #15 - Sonic: Swimming Class 101

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog

FROM: nicx777



I dare Sonic to take swimming lessons.



Sonic: Oh, hell no!!

Knuckles: Oh, hell yes! And you'll finally stop whining over your fear of water!

Sonic: (looks outside and gasps) Oh, but look! Amy's pool is frozen solid! So, no swimming for me.

Silver: My house has an indoor swimming pool.

Sonic: Damn it!!!

[Time Card: Five Minutes Later.]

[Everyone was at the pool.]

Amy: Are you ready, Sonic?

Sonic: No!

Tails: Oh, come on, Sonic. It's just water. It's not like we're making you swim in toxic waste or something.

Sonic: Yeah, but you know if I go into water, I sink like a rock! (interrupts Knuckles before he could say something) Knuckles, I swear to Chaos, if you say a fat joke, I'm gonna kill you!

Knuckles: (mutters) Geez, rude much?

Shadow: Ugh!! We're burning daylight! (pushes Sonic into the pool)

Sonic: Ahh!!! Shadow, you are so dead!!

Shadow: I pushed you in the shallow side. So, start swimming!

[Sonic started to swim. But truthfully, he was actually walking.]

Tails: Man. Teaching Sonic to swim sure is impossible.

Knuckles: Yeah. He's been running around water-themed areas for years, and he's never been scared.

Silver: I think he just wouldn't want to admit it.

[Time Card: Four Minutes Later.]

Silver: Hm? I don't see Sonic anywhere in the pool!

Amy: Sonic, how long are you gonna stay on the shallow side?

Tails: (pulls out his phone) Oh, I got a text!

Knuckles: Who texted you?

Tails: Sonic.

Shadow: What does he want now?

Tails: He said, "I'm not on the shallow side anymore."

Knuckles: Well, it's about time.

Tails: Uh... This text was made four minutes ago.

Knuckles: Oh, crap!!

[Knuckles and Shadow quickly pulls Sonic out of the pool and Sonic was coughing.]

Tails: I guess you're not really a good swimmer after all.

Sonic: (angrily) Oh, ya think!?

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