DARE #14 - Sonic & Friends: Meta Runner

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: nicx777



I dare everyone (except for the villains) to watch Meta Runner.



Knuckles: Meta Runner? What is that, some new Netflix Original Series?

Tails: No, Knuckles. It's a YouTube series that was created by the same people who created those SMG4 videos.

Knuckles: Oh.

Sonic: Well, let's watch it.




Amy: Whoa! That's so bizzare! Is everything in that world based on video games?

Silver: Well, I guess you can say that.

Tails: Man, I'm so jealous! I wish I can build technology like that!

Shadow: Well, go ahead. No one's stopping you.

Knuckles: Huh? What's wrong with their accents? They don't sound English to me.

Amy: Some of the voice actors are Australian.

Knuckles: Oh.

[Time Card: Two Hours Later.]

Tails: Wow, that was long.

Sonic: Huh. I never realized it before, but this whole movie's actually a compilation of season one.

Silver: Hm. Guess you really do learn something new every day.

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