DARE #31 - Sonic & Tails: A Dare of the Arts

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles "Tails" Prower

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



I dare Sonic and Tails to both read the 12th, 13th, and 14th parts in my art book, and try to guess what's going on.



Tails: Okay, the first one shows me crying and covered in blood, maybe? The second one shows the Tails Doll, and the last one shows the both of us. Maybe the Tails Doll killed someone, and I just witnessed it?

Sonic: Or... the Tails Doll spilled red paint all over your new invention that you've worked so hard on.

[Tails gives Sonic a dull glance.]

Sonic: (mutters) Fine, we'll go with your theory.

Sonic the Hedgehog - Questions & Answers (Part Deux)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora