QA #58 - Sticks: A Trial of Questions (Lightning Round)

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TO: Sticks the Badger

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



Sticks, I know I've already asked this, but you just replied that they're evil. Not really the answer I was looking for, but why do you hate robots and why do you think they're all evil? Why are you a conspiracy theorist? Do you have a backstory with robots and aliens? Were you always a conspiracy theorist? Were you always paranoid? And last but not least, why do you trust no one?



Knuckles: Wow, that's a lot of questions!

Sticks: Let's just speed this up. It's because I do. It's because I am. No, yes, excuse me? And what episode stated that I don't trust anyone? Let's see an alien top that!

Amy: Well, that was fast.

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