DARE #47 - Shadow: A Super Soaker Swim

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TO: Shadow the Hedgehog

FROM: Winxlunar



I think I know a way for Sonic to swim, I saw this in a comic. I dare Shadow to fire a Super Soaker at Sonic to make him swim faster. Sonic will have no other choice but to swim for his life. And this will go on until Sonic learns how to swim.



Sonic: Oh, come on!! What part of, "if I go into water, I sink like a rock" don't they understand!?

[Shadow squirts water at Sonic.]

Sonic: Hey!!

Shadow: Quit whining and get in that pool!

Sonic: Make me!!

[A few seconds later, Shadow was chasing Sonic with the Super Soaker around their friends.]

Shadow: Get your ass in that pool!!!

Sonic: No!!!

Knuckles: (sighs) I got this.

[Knuckles sticks his foot out which made Sonic trip and he landed in the pool.]

Sonic: (was struggling in the pool) Help!!! I'm drowning!!! Can't swim!!!

Silver: Sonic, it's only three feet.

Sonic: (stops struggling) Oh... Well... This is embarrassing.

Tails and Amy: Oh, Sonic. (laughs)

[Shadow squirts water at Sonic again.]

Sonic: Ahh!!!

Shadow: Start swimming.

Sonic: (mutters while swimming) Ultimate Poop Stain.

Shadow: (squirts water at Sonic again) I heard that!

[Everyone was snickering at them.]

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