DARE #74 - Sonic & Friends: A Book About Humans

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: GlitchytheHedgehog



Do you guys remember when Tails turned you all into humans? Well, I want you all to react to my "Sonic the Hedgehog Characters as Humans" book to see what I've imagined you all would look like.



Shadow: So, this is how she envisioned me as a human.

Sonic: You look a little weird.

[Shadow punches Sonic in the shoulder.]

Sonic: Hey!

Tails: And this is how she envisioned you, Sonic.

Sonic: Huh? My face looks weird.

Shadow: Your face has always looked weird.

Sonic: Watch it!

Amy: And this is how she pictured Tails as a human.

Tails: Um... Okay.

Shadow: And lastly, here's Amy as a human.

Sonic: You look a little adult-ish.

Amy: Yeah.

Tails: I gotta say, these drawings are... well, something.

Shadow: Uh-huh.

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