DARE #57 - Sonic Girls: The Dare of Our Discontent

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TO: The Sonic Girls

FROM: Winxlunar



*Kiara: Hey, guys. I'm Kiara, younger sister of Winxlunar. My sister's not going to be in the Sonic universe for a few days, 'cause she's having troubles in another universe, so I will be taking over for now. Anyway, here's a dare for the girls. They all have to stay in the cold for a whole day with hot chocolate and warm winter clothing.



Blaze: That's it? No problem.

Amy: Come on, girls, let's do this!

Girls: Yeah!!

[Time Card: 24 Hours Later.]

[The guys were walking towards a frozen pond and a log cabin.]

Knuckles: Heh. I bet the girls froze their asses off in the... (notices something) cold?

[The guys saw the girls building snowman, figure skating, and drinking hot chocolate.]

Sonic: Wow, you girls really outdid yourselves.

Cream: Thanks, Mr. Sonic!

Amy: Come on, you should all join us.

Shadow: No, thanks, we don't want to--

Rouge: (grabs Shadow and Knuckles by their arms) Oh, come on!

[The guys joined the girls in their activities.]

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