DARE #82 - Sonic & Friends: Sonic Vocaloid

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TO: Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends

FROM: AmandaGreengrass



I dare everyone to read "Sonic Vocaloid" by me and react to it, as well. And Silver, if you're wondering why are you so fucking stupid is because it's an AU, right? Also, you're cuter like this. Everybody went 100% stupider, but I can do what I want and I'm in love all of you guys! And Amy and Silver, your singing is precious.



Knuckles: "Sonic Vocaloid"? Is it a crossover about us and some of the VOCALOIDS like Hatsune Miku?

Tails: No, Knuckles. It's about us attending high school and forming a band called "Sonic Vocaloid." And together, we defeat Eggman's forces with the power of music!

Sonic: That's both amazing and weird at the same time.

Tails: Yeah. But nevertheless, let's read it.

Amy: Okay.

[Time Card: 11 Minutes Later.]

Silver: Wow! This is really good!

Amy: Yeah! No high school story can't be completed without some sort of band in it.

Sonic: Heh. You got that right.

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